Meet The Team

Hey, my name is Grant and I'm the Managing Editor, main reviewer and cover technology for Infinite Start. I've learned a lot over the years working for a variety of websites and reviewing literally hundreds of titles. I also have a background selling televisions, sound systems and more from my period at Best Buy, to the point where I was in the top 1 percent for sales and became Magnolia certified. I always look forward to sharing new and different information with our readers and hope they do as well. If you would like to contact me, my email is grant period gaines at Infinite Start.
Joshua has been embedded in the gaming industry since 2009, and gaming since the days of the Sega Genesis. His occupational focus in environmental health and safety may not cross over much with his beloved hobby, but he has always found time to play the latest releases, AAA and indie alike, as well as continue writing about the industry that has brought him countless years of joy.