LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Review 1

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Review

There are many examples of bad licensed games. Most of these are likely not intended, just budget issues, and the high costs associated with the property make certain things impossible. What gives gamers hope is some series find ways around it, with one of the most interesting and consistent examples being LEGO. For this reason, when LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga was announced sometime back, players were excited to experience the whole saga in one comprehensive package. Now that it released, several experiences added, and more, was it worth the wait, or is it like most late entries in the Star Wars franchise?

At this point, most people should have a vague understanding of the Star Wars saga. Perhaps not every episode or recall every iconic moment, but know where the plot is generally going. For some it will be an exciting refresher, for others a series of key moments, with the real fun being LEGO’s take on the events.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Review 2

Instead of worrying about matching the originals exactly, or attempting to do every scene justice, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga offers a silly take on the events. None of this comes at the expense of forces like Darth Vader or Yoda, just silly moments that will likely make people of all ages laugh. It’s a formula they’ve gotten good at, given there are countless LEGO games or popular franchises set in the world of LEGO, with it being in full display here. It’s a pretty comprehensive overview of the series, one that is handled well in both approach and narrative.

One of the first choices players get to make is where the adventure begins. This can be an episode I, IV, or VII, with the remaining episodes being unlocked through progression. It allows someone who wants to experience their desired saga the ability to do so, without potentially running into spoilers or missing out on the experiences before. No matter which direction you choose, there is a pretty expansive adventure that offers a good overview of the events that occurred in those movies.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Review 4

Experience Some of the Series Best Moments

When playing through an adventure there is a surprisingly lot to see. Anyone who just wants to experience it will have a pretty direct path forward, with everyone else having a wide range of things to see and do. Sometimes another path will have a joke, reference, collectible, or just help you complete challenges and earn points. A good amount of the references are just fun, like the Stormtrooper hot tub scene, a choice that is a lot more engaging than simply collecting a weird item.

Most levels are consistent with two basic elements. Either there is a puzzle to solve or enemies to defeat. Most puzzles are pretty straightforward. Typically there is something to build, perhaps there is a thing to grab, but in most cases, it will become apparent to the vast majority of players after some exploration. For this reason, it’s perfect for kids, as it teaches problem-solving in an accessible way. Even if your skills are beyond that, they’re engaging enough to be fun, even if there isn’t much in the ways of a challenge.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Review 3

Combat is a very similar experience. Players have melee combos and things like guns to defeat a wide array of enemies. Neither are particularly deep, with most enemies offering little resistance, building on the thrill of just living in the moment. Part of what helps is giving each enemy a bit of personality. Stormtroopers can lose their helmet, enemies can react in silly ways or give a bold expression that stands out beyond mindlessly inputting a series of commands to defeat them. Naturally, this won’t appeal to everyone but it’s a great game to share with someone of any skill level.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Review Verdict

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga : I wouldn’t say LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga reinvents the wheel or even what it means to be a Lego game and that is perfectly fine. It’s a good exploration of the beloved franchise, in a package that can be shared with someone at any level of skill. Some people might not love the simplicity or jokes, which is fine, but for fans of the LEGO franchise or honestly Star Wars, it’s a good game that has an almost overwhelming amount of content to explore.  Mark

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[Editor’s Note: LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga was reviewed on Xbox Series and a copy was provided to us for review purposes.]

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