How to Defeat Hod, Prime Watcher in Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King 3

How to Defeat Hod, Prime Watcher in Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King

Figuring out where to go or what to do can be hard in games like Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King. There are side paths, optional bosses and all kinds of hidden things that you might overlook on your first go. One of the first is Hod, Prime Watcher, who also acts as the first real boss in Shattered: Tales of the Forgotten King. Thankfully, he is pretty easy to beat, assuming you use the right tactic.

How to Defeat Hod, Prime Watcher in Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King

Finding Hod, Prime Watcher

You won’t find Hod, Prime Watcher until you progress far enough to find the vender Bakhti. She will offer resources, which are useful if you don’t trust your skills, with the path forward on the right and Hod to the left.

Go up the stairs you see here and you’ll eventually see a white wall like pictured below. Walk into it and you’ll be teleported to another location where you can checkpoint and fight Hod.

Fighting Hod, Prime Watcher

Like most enemies, Hod is what you make of him. If you let him have range, it will be pretty easy to take damage from his distance attack. For this reason stay near him and wait for attacks.

He should either slice downward, a left and right slash or if he isn’t feeling it, teleport. I suggest waiting for downward slices, as he does this three times without moving. The side slash is also punishable, though he won’t always do it twice and sometimes you can take damage if you’re not careful. Hit until he stops and always save enough energy for a quick dodge.

If you are feeling bold, he can be parried to make an opening, though it’s typically safer to just avoid.


Not only will it unlock the trophy/achievement Magnetism, on the other side of the arena is the Narueh’s Glaive weapon. It’s a lighter weapon that has a lot of attack speed, but not that much attack.

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