Season 24 of Apex Legends seems to be coming strong with a variety of fixes and other changes. Not to mention that there will obviously be new cosmetics and other features that are ever present in these Live Service sinks. One has to remember that EA Games is the publisher behind Apex Legends. So, you know what to do in case you have a beef with EA Games. We at Infinite Start will cover the important changes that will happen.
Matchmaking and weapons fix
Season 24 is about to drop on February 11th, bringing a slew of new additions to the ever popular Live Service. Apparently, cheaters have invaded the game, much to the like of every Live Service. Matchmaking fixes are planned to try and keep cheaters out of the game, possibly separating them into different queues. This can be a very useful solution, however, there has been many incidents with it on other games that tried it.
The new Season 24 will also bring more re-balancing done to weapons and mechanics. Arsenals are new weapons banks located all over each map, these contain every weapon that pertains to an specific type of ammo you carry. These seem like very interesting resources that the player will need to capitalize on before others do. Doing so, will snowball the player faster than the rest, and in turn might prove to be a problematic feature to balance around.
Along with these changes, new skins and other cosmetic upgrades will be provided to those who play in it. Acquiring a big rank in the season can net you some exclusive rewards. This is a common tactic Live Service titles use to try and getting you hooked to the game. Season 24 will be no different than other seasons in other games really. Live Services don’t last forever, and EA tends to kill them quicker.