World of Warcraft Patch 11.1.5 Could Include Glyph of the Strix for Hunters

World of Warcraft Patch 11.1.5 Could Include Glyph of the Strix for Hunters

Glyph of the Strix, a new appearance that enables Marksmanship Hunters to switch their Spotting Eagle for a Spotting Owl, can be included soon by Blizzard. While it is not yet certain how the Glyph is obtained, its inclusion in game datamined code suggests that it will be included in Patch 11.1.5 or a subsequent patch.

A Much-Hyped Overhaul for Marksmanship Hunters

Patch 11.1 saw a major overhaul of Marksmanship Hunters, including a total redesign of specialization. Perhaps the most drastic alteration was the addition of the Spotting Eagle, a new pet that assists in combat by attacking and stunning foes. It also features interaction with Harrier’s Cry, a new Bloodlust-like ability exclusive to the specialization.

Even with these additions, there were some players who were upset that Marksmanship Hunters had to settle for the Spotting Eagle rather than being able to select their own pet. Hunters are a class known for having the power to tame and call on many different pets, so having to have one mandatory choice felt limiting. The Glyph of the Strix would remedy this by offering an owl version, so that there could be more personalization.

Room for Future Customization Options

This new addition opens up the possibility that Blizzard could have some extra options for Hunters to customize pets in the future. There were also demands for further customization on the Pack Leader Hero Talent, which already summons a bear, wyvern, and boar. To have some more visual and functional choices would be an evolutionary step forward with the Hunter fantasy class.

When to Watch out for the Glyph?

Since the Glyph of the Strix has not yet officially appeared in the Public Test Realm (PTR), it is still likely that the Glyph might change or get postponed. But if it’s being datamined, there are greater chances that the Glyph will show up in Patch 11.1.5 or later patch update.

Meanwhile, Marksmanship Hunters will be able to anticipate possible new means of personalizing their pets and abilities, further cementing their special class identity in World of Warcraft.

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