Back in the era of the Xbox 360, this amazing title went under the radar of many gamers. El Shaddai sold poorly, both in its home country, and everywhere else. Many theorize the reason behind this is related to the full title. A very confusing one to pronounce and fit into a box, couple that with the fact that the Xbox 360, or Xbox in general, was a big flop in Japan. This piece of art is finally starting to gain recognition, and the PC port is the best way to play it. We at Infinite Start will cover this titles origins.
The secret gem
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, originally released in 2011 for the Xbox 360, is an unique third-person action adventure filled with a deeply artistic world-building, outstanding aesthetics and thrilling battles. The game is clearly inspired by religious themes of kabbalah and many other influences. This piece of art was regarded as an amazing title by the few people who played it. Unfortunately, many factors seemed to have prevented it from reaching a wider audience in the past.
But now, thanks to the port to PC, people now have the ability to play this amazing title. This game is a must for anyone who enjoyed titles such as Okami or other art driven games. El Shaddai’s artistic setting aims to provide a canvas-like world that changes in an organic way as long as you progress your adventure. The world keeps changing constantly in the most creative and innovative ways.
As a trivia for the game, El Shaddai released with a pre-order bonus back in the day that was the pants of the main character. This is perhaps one of the craziest merchandise items to come with the pre-order of a game. It puts to shame many pre-order bonuses that come with today’s games.