Seems like Age of Empires 4 is getting tons of DLC, despite there being a claim that it wouldn’t. People is surprised that they opted to add more content to what’s considered an unpopular entry in the series. Age of Empires 2 is a legendary entry that every PC gamer knows and played at least once in their life. We at Infinite Start will cover the roadmap to Age of Empires 4.
Possible war of the roses?
According to World’s Edge, one of the studios that developed Age of Empires 4, the new DLC will be called Knights of Cross and Rose. This leads to speculation of many history fanatics, perhaps the DLC might be related to the War of the Roses. Age of Empires has always been a series that tries to focus on historical accuracy. However, there has been many times that this wasn’t the case, many people don’t use the game to learn history. From unrealistic structures for the time periods, to Japanese units speaking in Latin, there has been many funny quirks that players remember.
The main appeal of the series is the deep competition that comes from it. Age of Empires is, along with StarCraft, one of the original E-Sports titles. The community behind them is still very strong even to this day, holding regular tourneys and events. The difficulty barrier is hard for a beginner, but once you learn all the techniques needed to compete, it becomes a fun game to play.
For those who do not wish to participate in competitive action, the campaign usually offers hours of fun and well planned maps. Many have been hooked by the variety of scenarios that every title in the series has provided, spending hours upon them. The series is filled with fun, however, the second entry will always remain supreme in the fandom.