Crimson Desert Gameplay Shows Explosive Combat and a Bevy of Popular RPG Activities

Crimson Desert Gameplay Shows Explosive Combat and a Bevy of Popular RPG Activities

As we reported last week, Pearl Abyss promised an extended look at their upcoming action-adventure game Crimson Desert at Gamescom Opening Night Live, and that time has come. The developer is well known for the flashy gameplay tied to their Black Desert MMO, but I’m not sure anyone was expecting to see so many stylish mechanics crammed into one title.

Sure, I’d venture a guess that everyone was prepared to see Black Desert‘s action-packed combat elevated in a single-player environment, and there is plenty of that in both melee and ranged varieties, but the roughly three-and-a-half minute trailer is teeming with activities in which players will be able to partake. The gameplay video shows off… deep breath*… arm wrestling, sheep wrangling, carriage hijacking, first-person fishing, dog petting/cat nuzzling, flute playing, hot air balloon riding, tree climbing, Assassin’s Creed-style parkour, horse taming, pole vaulting, magically-enabled flight, Dragon’s Dogma-esque enemy scaling and skydiving à la Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Needless to say, Pearl Abyss seems to be going the kitchen sink approach with Crimson Desert. One can only hope that it doesn’t end up becoming a jack of all trades, master of none when it releases (and that it’s performance far exceeds that of the developer’s MMO). Speaking of its release, we’re still left in the dark about when we will actually be able to play this expansive adventure game. Unfortunately, Gamescom has not shed any light on a release date, or even a targeted release year.

Crimson Desert – Official Gameplay Trailer | gamescom ONL 2023

If this is your first time hearing of Crimson Desert, here’s the rundown from Pearl Abyss:

Crimson Desert is an upcoming open world action-adventure which will make a global release on both console and PC. An epic of survival with a focus on immersive storytelling and intense action, Crimson Desert follows a group of struggling mercenaries and the many characters who cross their paths in the vast continent of Pywel. This is a world where heroes are made, but not without incredible hardship, pain and perseverance.

Crimson Desert is still targeting a launch on PC and currently unspecified consoles.

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