How to Use the Great Rune in Elden Ring - Featured 2

How to Use the Great Rune in Elden Ring

Great Runes are shards that the demigods of Lands Between possess in the Elden Ring. There are a total of five demigods that you have to defeat and right after they meet their demise, they will drop their rune for you to collect.

How to Use the Great Rune in Elden Ring - Rune

After the defeat of Godric the Grafted in Stormveil Castle, you will get your first Great Rune. Right off the bat, the Great Rune is of no use until you are able to restore its power and in order to do so, you will have to go to the Divine Tower.

Finding the Divine Tower

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The Divine Tower is located in Stormveil Castle. Look at the map where the Stormveil Castle is and you will see a bridge that is destroyed – that is where the Divine Tower is and getting there will be quite a challenge.

By the time you have defeated Godric and have gotten your first Great Rune, you most likely opened the front gate of the castle. If so, the path leading to the bridge that gets you to the Divine Tower is through the northeast area from where the front gate is.

Beware of Archers

If you are to go to the front gate and face the soldiers head-on, you will die just because the archers are ready to fire at you the moment you step inside the castle. There is however a way to sneak behind them.

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Liftside Chamber

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Teleport to the Liftside Chamber’s Site of Grace and go to the area where there are a lot of soldiers that you have to deal with. Just across the area to the easternmost part, you will see a small tunnel you have to go through. Make your way there and use your Stonesword Key to open a path with armaments and the area where you can sneak through the archers of the front gate.

Journey to the Divine Tower

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Now that you have infiltrated the area where the archers are, you can easily go to the bridge leading to the Divine Tower. Before you do that, however, there is a wolf with blade fangs that you have to deal with. After dealing with the wolf, there’s another Site of Grace that you can activate.

Restore the Rune

Make your way to the bridge to reach the Divine Tower. Once you get on top, there are five-six slates and a dragon bone in the middle. Offer the Great Rune there and you will be able to unlock its power.

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Using the Power of the Great Rune

Once the Great Rune is restored, you will be able to equip it. Please note that each of the Great Rune offers specific powers like Godric’s Great Rune will increase all attributes by 5. Though before you are able to use its power, you will have to use the Rune Arc item, that you can purchase from the merchants in the game, primarily Elnia in the Roundtable Hold. Each has one-time use and when you die, the power of the great rune dissipates and you will have to use the item again.

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