Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water remastered version has finally launched for consoles and PC. Originally released for Wii U over half a decade ago, it’s one of the most anticipated survival horror games, but given how short those games are, many are wondering how long does it take to finish the Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water?

If you just have bought the game either on PC, PS4, Xbox, or Switch, let’s all answer the question of how long does it take to finish Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water and get details as to what to expect throughout the game.
There really isn’t anything new added to Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water remastered except for little things such as costume, new Photo mode, and the ability to play a certain character after beating the game. If you have played the game before on Wii U, the game is pretty much the same, which means it could take you roughly 15 hours to finish.
Instead of calling each section chapters, the game is divided into what the game calls “drops” and there are more than 10 that you have to go through. Please note that there are three protagonists that you will be following so it will take some time to build the story.
What else is there to do?
Aside from going through the story and seeing the ending, there are a lot of things that you can do in order to prolong the gameplay and they are the following.
- Read all the archives. They provide more lore for those interesting in the game’s story.
- There is a good and bad ending that depends whether you take a picture of certain someone or not at the end of the game.
- Collect all upgrades for lenses, films, etc.
- There is also a plethora of costumes that you can collect.
- Play as Ayane from the Ninja Gaiden games after finishing the game once
- The game now has trophies or achievements