Assassin’s Creed Shadows stars two protagonists, and one of them is adept at all things related to the assassin fantasy. Naoe, a shinobi, possesses the sort of skillset one would associate with the most elite of the Assassin Brotherhood. Stealth, assassination, and subterfuge are but a few of the tricks up her sleeve.
If sticking to the shadows and striking unseen are more your style, Naoe is the obvious choice. If you have more of a bull-in-a-china-shop approach, you can check out Yasuke’s ability guide. If you’re happy with Naoe’s description, read on to see all available abilities for the star shinobi.
Every Naoe Ability Explained
Ability Name | Ability Type | Number of Ranks | Knowledge Rank Required | Description |
Katana Mastery | Passive | 8 | N/A | Increase Katana damage by 3% |
Melee Expert | Passive | 3 | 1 | Increase damage with Melee Weapons by 2% |
Dodge Attack | Passive | 1 | 1 | Press R1 after a Dodge to launch a fast counter-attack and quickly get back to the enemy |
Tidal Wave | Active | 1 | 1 | An extremely fast strike dealing 25% ability damage and making the enemy Vulnerable |
Affliction Effectiveness | Passive | 3 | 2 | Increase damage on Afflicted Enemies by 2%. An enemy is Afflicted when suffering from Bleed, Poison, or Daze |
Generator | Passive | 2 | 2 | Dodge Attacks generate 25% of an Adrenaline Chunk on hit |
Counter Attack | Passive | 1 | 2 | Press L1 at the last moment to turn your Deflect into a counter-attack |
Second Wave | Passive | 2 | 3 | Tidal Wave can now be chained 2 times in a row |
Eviscerate | Active | 1 | 3 | Strike an enemy, dealing 75% ability damage and pushing them away. Half as effective on large enemies |
Momentum Builder | Passive | 3 | 4 | Increase damage with consecutive hits by 1% |
No Mercy | Passive | 2 | 4 | Successful Dodge Attacks make the target Vulnerable |
Guard Breaker | Active | 1 | 4 | Unleash 9 strikes, each dealing 10% ability damage and breaking armor. Half as effective on large enemies |
Outclass | Passive | 2 | 4 | Eviscerate now has its full effect on large enemies |
Swift Step | Passive | 2 | 4 | Counter Attack can now be performed on flurry attacks |
No Quarter | Passive | 2 | 5 | Guard Breaker now has its full effect on larger enemies |
Smokescreen | Passive | 2 | 5 | Can now drop a smoke bomb after the push |
Unstoppable | Passive | 2 | 6 | Guard Breaker can no longer be blocked or parried |
Third Wave | Passive | 2 | 6 | Tidal Wave can now be chained 3 times in a row |
Hardened | Passive | 2 | 6 | Counter Attack can now be performed on unstoppable attacks |
Ability Name | Ability Type | Number of Ranks | Knowledge Rank Required | Description |
Kusarigama Mastery | Passive | 8 | N/A | Increase Kusarigama damage by 3% |
Affliction Builder | Passive | 3 | 1 | Increase Affliction buildup by 1% |
Entanglement | Passive | 1 | 1 | Before hitting an enemy with a Posture attack, hold down R1 or R2 to entangle them. Throw regular enemies in any direction using the Right Stick |
Feral Outburst | Active | 1 | 1 | Launch Naoe towards a single enemy an unleash a flurry of 4 strikes dealing 20% ability damage each |
Big Catch | Passive | 1 | 2 | Entanglement now has its full effect on large enemies |
Exposed Wound | Passive | 2 | 2 | Feral Outburst’s final strike makes the target Vulnerable |
Quick Strike | Passive | 1 | 2 | After any attack, momentarily pause and then press R1 or R2 to launch 2 extra strikes |
Multi-Target Expert | Passive | 3 | 3 | Increase damage when hitting multiple enemies by 3% |
Cyclone Blast | Active | 1 | 3 | Swing the Kusarigama in large circles around Naoe, dealing 8% ability damage per hit and pushing back struck enemies |
Catalyst | Passive | 2 | 3 | After a combo ender, press R1 or R2 to extend the combo with a Quick Strike |
Tug of War | Passive | 1 | 4 | When pulling an enemy towards Naoe, perform a powerful attack that deals 50% ability damage and knocks them down |
Lasting Storm | Passive | 2 | 4 | Cyclone Blast now performs 4 additional swings |
Feral Frenzy | Passive | 2 | 4 | Feral Outburst now unleashes 2 extra strikes |
Snake Bite | Active | 1 | 4 | Wrap the chain of the Kusarigama around a single enemy’s foot to knock them out and deal 40% ability damage |
Critical Proficiency | Passive | 3 | 5 | Increase Critical Damage by 2% |
Hard Fall | Passive | 2 | 5 | After getting up from Snake Bite, the enemy is afflicted by Daze |
Dazed | Passive | 2 | 5 | Quick Strike now inflicts 15% Daze buildup with each strike |
Enhanced Impact | Passive | 2 | 6 | Cyclone Blast’s last hit pushes back the enemies significantly |
Knock Out | Increase knockdown duration of Snake Bite by 10 seconds |
Ability Name | Ability Type | Number of Ranks | Knowledge Rank Required | Description |
Hidden Blade & Tanto Mastery | Passive | 8 | N/A | Increase Tanto damage by 3% |
Gap Seeker | Passive | 3 | 1 | Increase Armor Piercing by 3% |
Leap Strike | Passive | 1 | 1 | While holding R1 or R2, press Circle and a direction with the Left Stick to leap toward the target and strike |
Shadow Piercer | Active | 1 | 1 | Throw the Tanto, then dash forward to stab the target and make them Vulnerable, dealing 40% ability damage with each strike |
Backstabber | Passive | 3 | 2 | Increase damage from behind by 2% |
Escape Strike | Passive | 2 | 2 | While holding R1 or R2, press Circle to perform a strike and backward dodge |
Shadow Barrage | Active | 1 | 2 | Naoe will automatically perform a quick evade before getting hit, lasting 20 seconds and up to 7 hits. Does not work on Grab attacks |
Backstab | Passive | 1 | 2 | Light Posture attacks that hit an enemy’s back trigger Weak Point attacks |
Blood Rush | Passive | 2 | 3 | Leap Strike and Escape Strike generate 25% of an Adrenaline Chunk on hit |
Invigorating Kill | Passive | 2 | 3 | Shadow Piercer generates 80% of an Adrenaline Chunk on kill |
Back Breaker | Passive | 1 | 3 | Posture attacks performed behind an enemy now have 100% Armor Piercing |
Hidden Hand | Active | 1 | 4 | Sheath your Tanto and extend the Hidden Blade in its classic form to perform an Assassination while in combat |
Shadow Reach | Passive | 2 | 4 | Increase Shadow Piercer throw distance by 10 meters |
Endless Barrage | Passive | 2 | 4 | Each kill while Shadow Barrage is active increases all damage by 5% |
Critical Thinker | Passive | 3 | 5 | Increases Critical Chance by 1% |
Hidden Onslaught | Passive | 2 | 5 | +1 Health Segment removed when Hidden Hand is used against unaware enemies |
Contemplation | Passive | 2 | 5 | Increase Shadow Barrage duration by 10 seconds or up to 3 additional hits |
Broken Spirit | Passive | 2 | 6 | Hidden Hand cannot be blocked or parried |
Healthy Sting | Passive | 1 | 6 | Weakpoint Attacks triggered from behind an enemy restore 5% Health |
Ability Name | Ability Type | Number of Ranks | Knowledge Rank Required | Description |
Tools Mastery | Passive | 8 | N/A | +1% chance to refill a Tool on use |
Tool Professional | Passive | 3 | 1 | Increase damage with tools by 3% |
Smoke Bomb | Passive | 1 | 1 | Hold L2 to aim and press R2 to throw a smoke bomb and break all lines of sight |
Kunai | Passive | 1 | 1 | Hold L2 to aim and press R2 to throw a Kunai that deals 400% damage. Headshots on unsuspecting enemies will remove 2 Health Segments |
Quick Throw | Passive | 1 | 1 | Hold L2 and press R1 to automatically throw the equipped tool at the closest enemy or object |
Larger Tool Bag I | Passive | 1 | 2 | Increase the maximum capacity for all tools. +1 Kunai, +1 Shuriken, +1 Smoke Bomb, +1 Shinobi Bell. |
Shinobi Bell | Passive | 1 | 2 | Hold L2 to aim and press R2 to throw a Shinobi Bell that distracts nearby enemies |
Enduring Haze | Passive | 1 | 2 | Smoke Bomb has its duration increased to 10 seconds |
Kunai Assassination Damage I | Passive | 1 | 2 | Naoe removes 1 additional Health Segment with Kunai |
Shuriken | Passive | 1 | 2 | Hold L2 to aim and press R2 to throw a Shuriken that deals 100% damage. Staggers enemies and can be used on the environment |
Adrenaline Generator | Passive | 3 | 3 | Increase Adrenaline Gain by 3% |
Golden Bell | Passive | 1 | 3 | Shinobi Bell is now golden, and its shine can attract enemies from afar |
Armor Piercing | Passive | 2 | 3 | Kunai now have 50% Armor Piercing |
Larger Tool Bag II | Passive | 1 | 4 | Increase the maximum capacity for all tools. +1 Kunai, +1 Shuriken, +1 Smoke Bomb, +1 Shinobi Bell. |
Widespread | Passive | 1 | 4 | Smoke Bomb has its radius increased to 10 meters |
Kunai Assassination Damage II | Passive | 1 | 4 | Naoe removes 1 additional Health Segment with Kunai |
Bank Shot | Passive | 2 | 4 | Shuriken can now bounce between targets |
Tool Affliction Proficiency | Passive | 3 | 5 | Increase Affliction buildup with Tools by 2% |
Louder Chimes | Passive | 1 | 5 | Shinobi Bell has its radius increased to 5 meters |
Triple Threat | Passive | 2 | 5 | Naoe can now throw 3 Shuriken at the same time for the cost of 1 |
Larger Tool Bag III | Passive | 1 | 6 | Increase the maximum capacity for all tools. +1 Kunai, +1 Shuriken, +1 Smoke Bomb, +1 Shinobi Bell. |
Everlast | Passive | 2 | 6 | Kunai can no longer break on hard impact and can be retrieved indefinitely |
Kunai Assassination Damage III | Passive | 1 | 6 | Naoe removes 1 additional Health Segment with Kunai |
Ability Name | Ability Type | Number of Ranks | Knowledge Rank Required | Description |
Shinobi Mastery | Passive | 8 | N/A | Increase Health by 2% |
Prodigy | Passive | 3 | 1 | Increase damage with Abilities by 2% |
Grab | Passive | 1 | 1 | Press Triangle while undetected to grab an enemy. Once grabbed, you can move with them and hold Triangle to knock them out |
Grappling Hook | Passive | 1 | 1 | Press L1 to launch your Grappling Hook. Press Circle to drop, Left Stick to swing and to move up or down and X to jump |
Shallow Water Breathing | Passive | 1 | 1 | Allows Naoe to breathe through a reed while remaining still in shallow water |
Grab Assassinate | Passive | 1 | 2 | After grabbing an enemy, press R1 to Assassinate them |
Ascension Boost | Passive | 1 | 2 | While using the Grappling Hook, Naoe can climb much faster |
Vault | Passive | 1 | 2 | Press Circle quickly after deflecting an attack with L1 to jump over an enemy and make the target Vulnerable |
Igan Roll | Passive | 1 | 2 | Press Circle before hitting the ground to reduce fall damage |
Evasive | Passive | 3 | 3 | Increase damage after a Vault by 2% |
Lightning Kicks | Active | 1 | 3 | Knock down the 2 closest enemies and deal 15% ability damage to each |
Heighten Senses | Active | 1 | 3 | While undetected, time slows down around Naoe for 8 seconds. Aborts on enemy contact |
Destabilizing Vault | Passive | 1 | 3 | Increase Critical Chance by 25% over 10 seconds after using Vault |
Immobilized | Passive | 2 | 4 | Increase the knockdown duration by 4 seconds |
Extended Perception | Passive | 2 | 4 | Increase Heightened Senses duration by 4 seconds |
Ninja Fall | Passive | 1 | 4 | Igan Roll now negates all fall damage |
Efficient | Passive | 3 | 5 | +3% less Cooldown with Abilities |
Quick Knock Out | Passive | 1 | 5 | Knock out after Grab can now be performed faster |
High Vault | Passive | 1 | 5 | Throw a Shuriken mid-air on a successful Vault |
Sweep the Leg | Passive | 2 | 6 | Lightning Kicks can now perform 1 additional leg sweep on a nearby target that is not already knocked down |
Critical Insight | Passive | 2 | 6 | Duration of Heightened Senses is reset on a successful assassination. Can only be reset once per activation |
Ability Name | Ability Type | Number of Ranks | Knowledge Rank Required | Description |
Assassin Mastery | Passive | 8 | N/A | Increase Adrenaline Gain on Assassination by 5% |
Executioner | Passive | 3 | 1 | Increase damage on vulnerable enemies by 2% |
Ground Assassinate | Passive | 1 | 1 | Press R1 to Assassinate regular enemies while they are on the ground and remove Health Segments |
Shoji Door Assassination | Passive | 1 | 1 | While using a Katana, Naoe can Assassinate a target through a shoji panel |
Hidden Blade | Passive | 1 | 1 | Press R1 to Assassinate regular enemies and remove Health Segments |
Eagle Vision | Passive | 1 | 1 | Hold R3 to highlight enemies around you |
Nightcrawler | Passive | 3 | 2 | Increase damage during the night by 2% |
Improved Ground Assassinate | Passive | 1 | 3 | Naoe removes 1 additional Health Segment with Ground Assassinate |
Double Assassinate | Passive | 1 | 2 | While using a Tanto, Naoe can Assassinate two targets standing close together with a single attack |
Assassination Damage I | Passive | 1 | 2 | Naoe removes 1 additional Health Segment with Assassinations |
Vigor I | Passive | 1 | 3 | Increase Naoe’s Adrenaline Chunks by 1 |
Reinforced Blade | Passive | 1 | 3 | Hidden Blade can now be used against large enemies |
Improved Sense | Passive | 1 | 3 | Increase the longevity of Eagle Vision’s effect after deactivation |
Frontrunner | Passive | 3 | 4 | Increase damage while Health is full by 2% |
Vigor II | Passive | 1 | 4 | Increase Naoe’s Adrenaline Chunks by 1 |
Assassination Damage II | Passive | 1 | 4 | Naoe removes 1 additional Health Segment with Assassinations |
Rush Assassinate | Passive | 1 | 5 | While using a Kusarigama, Naoe can close the distance and deal Assassination Damage to a single target |
Hand of the Creed | Passive | 1 | 5 | Hidden Blade can no longer be denied when enemies see Naoe coming |
Vigor III | Passive | 1 | 6 | Increase Naoe’s Adrenaline Chunks by 1 |
Assassination Damage III | Passive | 1 | 6 | Naoe removes 1 additional Health Segment with Assassinations |