Oddcore releases a new demo on PC, bring more variety to shooters. The shooter genre is filled with plenty of ideas lately. Thanks to the rise of Indie titles, PC is dominating the market with quality amidst sloppy attempts of triple A publishers. Instead of trying to force players into horrible Live Service experiences, indie developers are focused in quality. We at Infinite Start will cover this peculiar and quite hyper title.
As the name implies, this shooter is primarily focused on the Weirdcore aesthetic. This is an aesthetic that has spawned lately in variety of social media. While many people might be weirded out by this sudden choice, it is important to know that young gamers are amongst us. It is nice to see people new to games experiencing the genres we all know and love. Indies after all try to bring the best iterations of games from our past, giving them a new spin.
This hyper shooter seems to be focused on speed and total obliteration. It is recommended by the developer that people with photo sensitivity should stay away from the game. The world of Oddcore seems very weird, yet oddly nostalgic, this is a key aspect of the weirdcore aesthetic that has become a boom with certain communities of internet users. Gamers are tired of the same live service slop being put out by plenty of triple A developers, and this is a welcome change of pace.
Indies are our only hope in the gaming industry. Thanks to them, the hobby is still alive and mostly well, as long as there’s enough support for the medium, nothing bad will happen to it. While games keep getting more bloated with weird system requirements, Indie titles offers players the opportunity to play amazing games with any system they own. We can hope for Oddcore to be yet another indie success story in the near future.