Infinity Nikki, the latest installment in the popular Nikki series by Infold Games (known as Papergames in China), has achieved an impressive milestone by earning nearly $16 million in mobile game profits during its first month. The game, which launched in December 2024, has far surpassed its predecessors in terms of revenue, with earnings over 40 times higher than the original Love Nikki.
Set in the magical world of Miraland, Infinity Nikki invites players to explore diverse nations, solve puzzles, and embark on a whimsical journey with the titular character Nikki and her cat companion, Momo. A central feature of the gameplay is dressing Nikki in magical outfits powered by Whimstars, which enable her to perform unique actions like floating, gliding, and shrinking to overcome challenges.
Infinity Nikki had a strong start, earning $3.51 million during its launch week and maintaining momentum with $4.26 million in the second week and $3.84 million in the third week. Despite a gradual decline in daily earnings, the game saw a significant boost on December 30, 2024, after the release of its Version 1.1 update, bringing in $665,000 on that day alone.
A major factor in the game’s success is its reception in China, which accounted for over 42% of its 5 million downloads. This strong performance in China played a key role in making Infinity Nikki the most successful launch in the franchise’s history.
Infinity Nikki is available for free on PlayStation 5, PC, iOS, and Android. The developers continue to engage the player base by rolling out seasonal events and updates, ensuring the game remains fresh and enjoyable.
Infinity Nikki’s remarkable first-month performance highlights the enduring appeal of the Nikki series and its ability to captivate players with a blend of engaging gameplay, vibrant world-building, and innovative mechanics. With strong financial results and a dedicated player base, the game is well-positioned for continued success as the developers expand its content and refine the player experience. As Infinity Nikki evolves, it will be interesting to see how it shapes the future of the cozy open-world genre while maintaining its charm and creativity.