Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge Cowabunga It Is Trophy/Achievement Guide 1

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge Cowabunga It Is Trophy/Achievement Guide

Most of the trophy/achievements in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge are pretty straightforward. Some rely on clicking a specific button, others just doing something random, but Cowabunga It Is can be a lot of fun or really stressful. The trick is to achieve a 250 hit combo, meaning you landed 250 hits without an enemy hitting you or too much time passing between hits. It is certainly doable, but for people worried about this, Rubhen925 and myself stumbled on an easy exploit that someone of any skill level can do.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge Cowabunga It Is Trophy/Achievement Guide

Starting with Episode 12: It Won’t Fly there will be a new circular enemy that you need to stun to ultimately kill. If you’re unsure what they look like, you can find a picture of them below. But, odds are you’ll recognize them immediately since they’re pretty annoying to deal with.

While it works on any stage with them, I suggest attempting it on Episode 15: Outworld Strangeoids due to the way the levels are arranged.

How to do the Exploit

The basic idea is to find one of these enemies and defeat them near a wall. Unlike every other enemy in the game, they don’t seem to have any kind of weird physics or element that prevents them from being combo locked in a corner.

Around the halfway point of Episode 15 there is a really narrow hallway that makes this really easy. With two people we were able to accidentally make it happen and maintain it long enough for both of us to get the trophy.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles  Shredder's Revenge Cowabunga It Is Exploit (Duo)

The nice thing is, not only is it easily repeatable, something we accomplished later on the same level, I was able to maintain it briefly on a solo run as well.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder's Revenge Cowabunga It Is Exploit (Solo)

Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful due to it moving ever so slightly lower on each rotation, but it does prove that it can be performed solo with the right timing and some luck.

Non-Exploit Method

In the event you rather not perform the exploit and want some tips, I strongly suggest playing one of the later levels with Donatello. His staff makes it extremely easy to hit most enemies and he has a nice multi-hit special attack. Some of the easiest levels are the one’s with Rock Soldiers. They generally just rush, making them fairly predictable and easy to hit, with the added benefit of having considerable health allowing for multiple attacks.

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