Crackshell and indie publisher BlitWorks have teamed up with Strictly Limited Games to release Epics of Hammerwatch Heroes’ Edition, a physical edition that combines the first two Hammerwatch games in one package for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.
Like most products offered by Strictly Limited Games, Epics of Hammerwatch Heroes Edition comes in two different versions. The first is the physical version that includes the game, limited to 1,200 on PlayStation 4 and 2,500 for Switch, and a manual for $34.99.
Anyone looking for a bit more can step up to the Special Limited Heroes’ Edition. In addition to including the game and manual, patch, sticker sheet, OST, postcard set, and a poster in unique packaging. These will be limited to 1,200 on PlayStation 4 and Switch having slightly more at 1,500 for just $54.99.
Finally, to round out the collection, Strictly Limited Games is also selling an aluminium plate art card. There are just 149 of these total and while no price is listed, they typically run around $10.
Preorders for Epics of Hammerwatch will start later today at 6 PM EST.