Eidos Montreal announced today that Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy version 1.04 will be deployed on PlayStation consoles today, with the Xbox version sometime next week, and finally the PC version sometime tomorrow.
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy version 1.04 features a lot of bug fixes that further enhance the gameplay experience. Below are the patch notes:
- General: Multiple improvements with Star-Lord navigation across multiple maps, including improvement of world boundaries and collisions.
- General: Multiple fixes for occasional issues with Guardian navigation.
- General: Fixed an issue where the user might become stuck in Guardians ability menu after spamming interaction button.
- General: Fix for multiple rare issues where enemies may become stuck into walls and block combat completion.
- PS4: Fixes for some of the Audio corruption encountered by PS4 users.
- New Game Plus: Fix for an issue where cancelling your action during the NG+ creation flow may lead to creating a normal New Game instead.
- Photo Mode: All costumes will now appear correctly in photomode.
- Chapter 1: Fix for an issue where Gamora’s tutorial might be bypassed under certain conditions.
- Chapter 2: Fix for an issue where the user might become stuck after banter selection.
- Chapter 3: Fix for an issue where reloading the checkpoint after backtracking through a funnel on may cause the user’s progression to be blocked.
- Chapter 3: Fix for a rare issue where the user might instantly die at one of the QTEs with Gamora.
- Chapter 3: Fix for an issue where the user might become stuck in the workbench UI under certain conditions.
- Chapter 5: Fix for an issue where the Grenadier would occasionally not spawn.
- Chapter 6: Fix for an issue where Star-Lord might get stuck into a shop’s counter top.
- Chapter 7: Fix for an issue where a checkpoint after the Helmet room would not trigger.
- Chapter 7: Fix for an issue where Drax could be ordered to pull the crane before the Centurion fight begun.
- Chapter 7: Fix for the Crane puzzle in Hangar Bay.
- Chapter 10: Fixed an issue where the user might become stuck in the fog fight.
- Chapter 12: Fix for an issue where the user might become stuck in the Workbench UI under certain conditions.
- Chapter 13: Fix for an issue where the camera could become stuck on the Milano cockpit when landing.
- Chapter 13: Fix for an issue where Star-Lord may get stuck in a funnel.
- Various other fixes.