Assassin’s Creed Shadows stars two protagonists, and one of them is adept at all things related to the assassin fantasy. Naoe, a shinobi, possesses the sort of skillset one would associate with the most elite of the Assassin Brotherhood. Stealth, assassination, and subterfuge are but a few of the tricks up her sleeve.
If sticking to the shadows and striking unseen are more your style, Naoe is the obvious choice. If you have more of a bull-in-a-china-shop approach, you can check out Yasuke’s ability guide. If you’re happy with Naoe’s description, read on to see all available abilities for the star shinobi.
Ability Name | Ability Type | Number of Ranks | Knowledge Rank Required | Description |
Katana Mastery | Passive | 8 | N/A | Increase Katana damage by 3% |
Melee Expert | Passive | 3 | 1 | Increase damage with Melee Weapons by 2% |
Dodge Attack | Passive | 1 | 1 | Press R1 after a Dodge to launch a fast counter-attack and quickly get back to the enemy |
Tidal Wave | Active | 1 | 1 | An extremely fast strike dealing 25% ability damage and making the enemy Vulnerable |
Affliction Effectiveness | Passive | 3 | 2 | Increase damage on Afflicted Enemies by 2%. An enemy is Afflicted when suffering from Bleed, Poison, or Daze |
Generator | Passive | 2 | 2 | Dodge Attacks generate 25% of an Adrenaline Chunk on hit |
Counter Attack | Passive | 1 | 2 | Press L1 at the last moment to turn your Deflect into a counter-attack |
Second Wave | Passive | 2 | 3 | Tidal Wave can now be chained 2 times in a row |
Eviscerate | Active | 1 | 3 | Strike an enemy, dealing 75% ability damage and pushing them away. Half as effective on large enemies |
Momentum Builder | Passive | 3 | 4 | Increase damage with consecutive hits by 1% |
No Mercy | Passive | 2 | 4 | Successful Dodge Attacks make the target Vulnerable |
Guard Breaker | Active | 1 | 4 | Unleash 9 strikes, each dealing 10% ability damage and breaking armor. Half as effective on large enemies |
Outclass | Passive | 2 | 4 | Eviscerate now has its full effect on large enemies |
Swift Step | Passive | 2 | 4 | Counter Attack can now be performed on flurry attacks |
No Quarter | Passive | 2 | 5 | Guard Breaker now has its full effect on larger enemies |
Smokescreen | Passive | 2 | 5 | Can now drop a smoke bomb after the push |
Unstoppable | Passive | 2 | 6 | Guard Breaker can no longer be blocked or parried |
Third Wave | Passive | 2 | 6 | Tidal Wave can now be chained 3 times in a row |
Hardened | Passive | 2 | 6 | Counter Attack can now be performed on unstoppable attacks |
Ability Name | Ability Type | Number of Ranks | Knowledge Rank Required | Description |
Kusarigama Mastery | Passive | 8 | N/A | Increase Kusarigama damage by 3% |
Affliction Builder | Passive | 3 | 1 | Increase Affliction buildup by 1% |
Entanglement | Passive | 1 | 1 | Before hitting an enemy with a Posture attack, hold down R1 or R2 to entangle them. Throw regular enemies in any direction using the Right Stick |
Feral Outburst | Active | 1 | 1 | Launch Naoe towards a single enemy an unleash a flurry of 4 strikes dealing 20% ability damage each |
Big Catch | Passive | 1 | 2 | Entanglement now has its full effect on large enemies |
Exposed Wound | Passive | 2 | 2 | Feral Outburst’s final strike makes the target Vulnerable |
Quick Strike | Passive | 1 | 2 | After any attack, momentarily pause and then press R1 or R2 to launch 2 extra strikes |
Multi-Target Expert | Passive | 3 | 3 | Increase damage when hitting multiple enemies by 3% |
Cyclone Blast | Active | 1 | 3 | Swing the Kusarigama in large circles around Naoe, dealing 8% ability damage per hit and pushing back struck enemies |
Catalyst | Passive | 2 | 3 | After a combo ender, press R1 or R2 to extend the combo with a Quick Strike |
Tug of War | Passive | 1 | 4 | When pulling an enemy towards Naoe, perform a powerful attack that deals 50% ability damage and knocks them down |
Lasting Storm | Passive | 2 | 4 | Cyclone Blast now performs 4 additional swings |
Feral Frenzy | Passive | 2 | 4 | Feral Outburst now unleashes 2 extra strikes |
Snake Bite | Active | 1 | 4 | Wrap the chain of the Kusarigama around a single enemy’s foot to knock them out and deal 40% ability damage |
Critical Proficiency | Passive | 3 | 5 | Increase Critical Damage by 2% |
Hard Fall | Passive | 2 | 5 | After getting up from Snake Bite, the enemy is afflicted by Daze |
Dazed | Passive | 2 | 5 | Quick Strike now inflicts 15% Daze buildup with each strike |
Enhanced Impact | Passive | 2 | 6 | Cyclone Blast’s last hit pushes back the enemies significantly |
Knock Out | Increase knockdown duration of Snake Bite by 10 seconds |
Ability Name | Ability Type | Number of Ranks | Knowledge Rank Required | Description |
Hidden Blade & Tanto Mastery | Passive | 8 | N/A | Increase Tanto damage by 3% |
Gap Seeker | Passive | 3 | 1 | Increase Armor Piercing by 3% |
Leap Strike | Passive | 1 | 1 | While holding R1 or R2, press Circle and a direction with the Left Stick to leap toward the target and strike |
Shadow Piercer | Active | 1 | 1 | Throw the Tanto, then dash forward to stab the target and make them Vulnerable, dealing 40% ability damage with each strike |
Backstabber | Passive | 3 | 2 | Increase damage from behind by 2% |
Escape Strike | Passive | 2 | 2 | While holding R1 or R2, press Circle to perform a strike and backward dodge |
Shadow Barrage | Active | 1 | 2 | Naoe will automatically perform a quick evade before getting hit, lasting 20 seconds and up to 7 hits. Does not work on Grab attacks |
Backstab | Passive | 1 | 2 | Light Posture attacks that hit an enemy’s back trigger Weak Point attacks |
Blood Rush | Passive | 2 | 3 | Leap Strike and Escape Strike generate 25% of an Adrenaline Chunk on hit |
Invigorating Kill | Passive | 2 | 3 | Shadow Piercer generates 80% of an Adrenaline Chunk on kill |
Back Breaker | Passive | 1 | 3 | Posture attacks performed behind an enemy now have 100% Armor Piercing |
Hidden Hand | Active | 1 | 4 | Sheath your Tanto and extend the Hidden Blade in its classic form to perform an Assassination while in combat |
Shadow Reach | Passive | 2 | 4 | Increase Shadow Piercer throw distance by 10 meters |
Endless Barrage | Passive | 2 | 4 | Each kill while Shadow Barrage is active increases all damage by 5% |
Critical Thinker | Passive | 3 | 5 | Increases Critical Chance by 1% |
Hidden Onslaught | Passive | 2 | 5 | +1 Health Segment removed when Hidden Hand is used against unaware enemies |
Contemplation | Passive | 2 | 5 | Increase Shadow Barrage duration by 10 seconds or up to 3 additional hits |
Broken Spirit | Passive | 2 | 6 | Hidden Hand cannot be blocked or parried |
Healthy Sting | Passive | 1 | 6 | Weakpoint Attacks triggered from behind an enemy restore 5% Health |
Ability Name | Ability Type | Number of Ranks | Knowledge Rank Required | Description |
Tools Mastery | Passive | 8 | N/A | +1% chance to refill a Tool on use |
Tool Professional | Passive | 3 | 1 | Increase damage with tools by 3% |
Smoke Bomb | Passive | 1 | 1 | Hold L2 to aim and press R2 to throw a smoke bomb and break all lines of sight |
Kunai | Passive | 1 | 1 | Hold L2 to aim and press R2 to throw a Kunai that deals 400% damage. Headshots on unsuspecting enemies will remove 2 Health Segments |
Quick Throw | Passive | 1 | 1 | Hold L2 and press R1 to automatically throw the equipped tool at the closest enemy or object |
Larger Tool Bag I | Passive | 1 | 2 | Increase the maximum capacity for all tools. +1 Kunai, +1 Shuriken, +1 Smoke Bomb, +1 Shinobi Bell. |
Shinobi Bell | Passive | 1 | 2 | Hold L2 to aim and press R2 to throw a Shinobi Bell that distracts nearby enemies |
Enduring Haze | Passive | 1 | 2 | Smoke Bomb has its duration increased to 10 seconds |
Kunai Assassination Damage I | Passive | 1 | 2 | Naoe removes 1 additional Health Segment with Kunai |
Shuriken | Passive | 1 | 2 | Hold L2 to aim and press R2 to throw a Shuriken that deals 100% damage. Staggers enemies and can be used on the environment |
Adrenaline Generator | Passive | 3 | 3 | Increase Adrenaline Gain by 3% |
Golden Bell | Passive | 1 | 3 | Shinobi Bell is now golden, and its shine can attract enemies from afar |
Armor Piercing | Passive | 2 | 3 | Kunai now have 50% Armor Piercing |
Larger Tool Bag II | Passive | 1 | 4 | Increase the maximum capacity for all tools. +1 Kunai, +1 Shuriken, +1 Smoke Bomb, +1 Shinobi Bell. |
Widespread | Passive | 1 | 4 | Smoke Bomb has its radius increased to 10 meters |
Kunai Assassination Damage II | Passive | 1 | 4 | Naoe removes 1 additional Health Segment with Kunai |
Bank Shot | Passive | 2 | 4 | Shuriken can now bounce between targets |
Tool Affliction Proficiency | Passive | 3 | 5 | Increase Affliction buildup with Tools by 2% |
Louder Chimes | Passive | 1 | 5 | Shinobi Bell has its radius increased to 5 meters |
Triple Threat | Passive | 2 | 5 | Naoe can now throw 3 Shuriken at the same time for the cost of 1 |
Larger Tool Bag III | Passive | 1 | 6 | Increase the maximum capacity for all tools. +1 Kunai, +1 Shuriken, +1 Smoke Bomb, +1 Shinobi Bell. |
Everlast | Passive | 2 | 6 | Kunai can no longer break on hard impact and can be retrieved indefinitely |
Kunai Assassination Damage III | Passive | 1 | 6 | Naoe removes 1 additional Health Segment with Kunai |
Ability Name | Ability Type | Number of Ranks | Knowledge Rank Required | Description |
Shinobi Mastery | Passive | 8 | N/A | Increase Health by 2% |
Prodigy | Passive | 3 | 1 | Increase damage with Abilities by 2% |
Grab | Passive | 1 | 1 | Press Triangle while undetected to grab an enemy. Once grabbed, you can move with them and hold Triangle to knock them out |
Grappling Hook | Passive | 1 | 1 | Press L1 to launch your Grappling Hook. Press Circle to drop, Left Stick to swing and to move up or down and X to jump |
Shallow Water Breathing | Passive | 1 | 1 | Allows Naoe to breathe through a reed while remaining still in shallow water |
Grab Assassinate | Passive | 1 | 2 | After grabbing an enemy, press R1 to Assassinate them |
Ascension Boost | Passive | 1 | 2 | While using the Grappling Hook, Naoe can climb much faster |
Vault | Passive | 1 | 2 | Press Circle quickly after deflecting an attack with L1 to jump over an enemy and make the target Vulnerable |
Igan Roll | Passive | 1 | 2 | Press Circle before hitting the ground to reduce fall damage |
Evasive | Passive | 3 | 3 | Increase damage after a Vault by 2% |
Lightning Kicks | Active | 1 | 3 | Knock down the 2 closest enemies and deal 15% ability damage to each |
Heighten Senses | Active | 1 | 3 | While undetected, time slows down around Naoe for 8 seconds. Aborts on enemy contact |
Destabilizing Vault | Passive | 1 | 3 | Increase Critical Chance by 25% over 10 seconds after using Vault |
Immobilized | Passive | 2 | 4 | Increase the knockdown duration by 4 seconds |
Extended Perception | Passive | 2 | 4 | Increase Heightened Senses duration by 4 seconds |
Ninja Fall | Passive | 1 | 4 | Igan Roll now negates all fall damage |
Efficient | Passive | 3 | 5 | +3% less Cooldown with Abilities |
Quick Knock Out | Passive | 1 | 5 | Knock out after Grab can now be performed faster |
High Vault | Passive | 1 | 5 | Throw a Shuriken mid-air on a successful Vault |
Sweep the Leg | Passive | 2 | 6 | Lightning Kicks can now perform 1 additional leg sweep on a nearby target that is not already knocked down |
Critical Insight | Passive | 2 | 6 | Duration of Heightened Senses is reset on a successful assassination. Can only be reset once per activation |
Ability Name | Ability Type | Number of Ranks | Knowledge Rank Required | Description |
Assassin Mastery | Passive | 8 | N/A | Increase Adrenaline Gain on Assassination by 5% |
Executioner | Passive | 3 | 1 | Increase damage on vulnerable enemies by 2% |
Ground Assassinate | Passive | 1 | 1 | Press R1 to Assassinate regular enemies while they are on the ground and remove Health Segments |
Shoji Door Assassination | Passive | 1 | 1 | While using a Katana, Naoe can Assassinate a target through a shoji panel |
Hidden Blade | Passive | 1 | 1 | Press R1 to Assassinate regular enemies and remove Health Segments |
Eagle Vision | Passive | 1 | 1 | Hold R3 to highlight enemies around you |
Nightcrawler | Passive | 3 | 2 | Increase damage during the night by 2% |
Improved Ground Assassinate | Passive | 1 | 3 | Naoe removes 1 additional Health Segment with Ground Assassinate |
Double Assassinate | Passive | 1 | 2 | While using a Tanto, Naoe can Assassinate two targets standing close together with a single attack |
Assassination Damage I | Passive | 1 | 2 | Naoe removes 1 additional Health Segment with Assassinations |
Vigor I | Passive | 1 | 3 | Increase Naoe’s Adrenaline Chunks by 1 |
Reinforced Blade | Passive | 1 | 3 | Hidden Blade can now be used against large enemies |
Improved Sense | Passive | 1 | 3 | Increase the longevity of Eagle Vision’s effect after deactivation |
Frontrunner | Passive | 3 | 4 | Increase damage while Health is full by 2% |
Vigor II | Passive | 1 | 4 | Increase Naoe’s Adrenaline Chunks by 1 |
Assassination Damage II | Passive | 1 | 4 | Naoe removes 1 additional Health Segment with Assassinations |
Rush Assassinate | Passive | 1 | 5 | While using a Kusarigama, Naoe can close the distance and deal Assassination Damage to a single target |
Hand of the Creed | Passive | 1 | 5 | Hidden Blade can no longer be denied when enemies see Naoe coming |
Vigor III | Passive | 1 | 6 | Increase Naoe’s Adrenaline Chunks by 1 |
Assassination Damage III | Passive | 1 | 6 | Naoe removes 1 additional Health Segment with Assassinations |
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