
Practically Every Version of Goku and Vegeta Confirmed Playable in Dragon Ball: Sparkling! Zero

Bandai Namco confirmed the first 24 characters for Dragon Ball: Sparkling! Zero, which includes fan favorites like early Z Goku, mid Z Goku, end Z Goku, and Vegeta with a scouter.

While we write that jokingly, all 24 characters are a version of either Goku, or Vegeta. This is a common practice for Dragon Ball games to do, which should come as no surprise given this is part of the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi series, but still an amusing way to reveal a batch of characters.

Dragon Ball: Sparkling! Zero Characters Revealed:

  1. Goku (Z – Early)
  2. Goku (Z – Mid)
  3. Goku (Z – Mid), Super Saiyan
  4. Goku (Z – End)
  5. Goku (Z – End), Super Saiyan
  6. Goku (Z – End), Super Saiyan 2
  7. Goku (Z – End), Super Saiyan 3
  8. Goku (Super)
  9. Goku (Z – Mid), Super Saiyan
  10. Goku (Super), Super Saiyan God
  11. Goku (Super), Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan
  12. Vegeta (Z – Scouter)
  13. Great Ape Vegeta
  14. Vegeta (Z – Early)
  15. Vegeta (Z – Early), Super Saiyan
  16. Super Vegeta
  17. Vegeta (Z – End)
  18. Vegeta (Z – End), Super Saiyan
  19. Vegeta (Z – End), Super Saiyan 2
  20. Majin Vegeta
  21. Vegeta (Super)
  22. Vegeta (Super), Super Saiyan
  23. Vegeta (Super), Super Saiyan God
  24. Vegeta (Super), Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan
Bandai Namco Blog Post

Despite having so many versions of the same characters, Bandai Namco confirms “each character brings a unique blend of techniques and abilities.” How different is hard to say, though previous iterations have done a fairly good job of making each version feel unique.

The official overview for Dragon Ball: Sparkling! Zero can be found below.

DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO takes the legendary gameplay of the Budokai Tenkaichi series and raises it to whole new levels. Learn and master an incredible roster of playable characters, each with signature abilities, transformations, and techniques. Unleash the fighting spirit within you and take the fight to arenas that crumble and react to your power as the battle rages on. 

Shake the earth. Break the heavens. Make yours the destructive power of the strongest fighters ever to appear in DRAGON BALL!

Engage in heart-pounding, high-speed 3D battles that stay true to the anime and video game series, with breathtaking visuals and authentic combat moves like beam clashes, rush attacks, movements too quick for the eyes to see, and planet-razing ultimate attacks. 

Step into an arena that reacts to your every action. As you transform or unleash your most devastating attacks, watch the environment respond with stunning realism. Leave a trail of destruction in your wake as you battle to your heart’s content.

Steam Listing

Dragon Ball: Sparkling! Zero is currently in development for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC.

Grant Gaines

Hey, my name is Grant and I'm the Managing Editor, main reviewer and cover technology for Infinite Start. I've learned a lot over the years working for a variety of websites and reviewing literally hundreds of titles. I also have a background selling televisions, sound systems and more from my period at Best Buy, to the point where I was in the top 1 percent for sales and became Magnolia certified. I always look forward to sharing new and different information with our readers and hope they do as well. If you would like to contact me, my email is grant period gaines at Infinite Start.

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