Thanks to Bungie’s API, players have known about another exotic set to release during Destiny 2‘s Season of the Deep. It has been a point of speculation for a while, with players thinking they figured out the secret a couple weeks ago. Now that all the pieces are in place, it’s finally possible to get Wicked Implement. That is, if you know what to do.
Various reports have confirmed the exotic can be obtained by simply playing with someone who did the initial steps. Unless you want the amazing emblem the previous steps give, I strongly suggest skipping to the Deep Dive section to see how to do this quest.
The first step in this quest is to obtain three broken blades. To get them you need to obtain the three location specific fish.
These fish are thought to have a 1 percent chance of appearing and are only obtainable at fishing spots marked “Exotic.” These change weekly, though special events might have two or more active.
If you’re ever unsure the Fishing Tackle will tell you which blades you have and the location they came from.
As previously mentioned, the only requirement for this exotic is being able to activate all three statues. This means someone with all three can outright do it for the other two, but since those will long term be harder to find it will also work in any combination.
Beyond this, don’t worry too much about your build since there is a rally banner for this mission and doing the orbs is a complete waste of time.
By now you might’ve seen the statues, but if you haven’t 360GameTV uploaded a handy guide showing all three locations.
If all three statues were activated, a special door will open on the right side following this floor. This means you absolutely must complete it, otherwise you’ll end up fighting the normal boss.
Please note, buffs do not carry over so don’t bother with them.
The Whetstone mission should be approached as a mini-raid. I found using Divinity and a precision weapon like Leviathan’s Breath works best. However, since this is a rogue-lite stage, you might be better off with a linear fusion rifle. Once you have your build set, go up to the statue area and activate them.
Please note, all three people must activate a statue. Even though it says blade of whatever, these can be activated by anyone. Finally, do not progress the other path or you risk having to redo things.
This encounter is basically a three stage boss fight that is limited to 10 minutes. While that may or may not sound like a lot of time, it depends on your team and tactic. I’ve finish the whole thing in five minutes and I’ve also failed to get 50 percent damage on the final boss in 10. It just depends on what others do, build quality, and preventing deaths.
To complete the encounters you need to kill Minotaurs to get a buff, which allows you to do decent damage to the boss. Killing more increases the amount, with all three being needed to damage the last boss.
After finishing the tutorial encounter, the timer will start. What you need to do is shoot the trigger in the middle of the stage. This will allow you to progress to the next part, with the second trigger located under the stairs. Make sure to shoot these as quickly as possible, since it will waste precious time.
After this, kill a minotaur and then damage the boss enough to trigger the first health segment. This will unlock the next portion of the fight, which is just killing more minotaurs. There is also another trigger located in the center arena.
When they’re all dead burn the boss. Please note, following this fight there is a rally point at the top of the stairs, so don’t worry about ammo.
This section works the exact same way, though the minotaurs are scattered across the level. In my experience the best places to look at to the left, right, and middle of the starting area. Once enough time passes they will be marked on the map.
When all three die the Tormentor boss will be marked and you can do damage to it. This can be a rather difficult fight since there are a fair amount of adds, but try to stay alive dealing as much damage to the boss as possible. There will be a time limit that can be found to the left, so keep track of that and when the boss goes immune try to find the minotaurs.
When the boss dies a new path will open that gives the exotic and the mission will clear.
Once the clear screen appears, which allows you to commend people, you can find seven “Pyramid objects” scattered around the room.
They look like the item pictured here, which should be fairly familiar at this point. Each player needs to shoot them and getting all seven gives the triumph “Words and Action.”
There is also a catalyst obtained from Deep Dives, but it’s currently unknown hoot obtain. Make sure to check back later for more information when it arises. To unlock the catalyst you must complete a Tier 7 Deep Dive.
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