Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Update 1.07 Patch Notes Arrive

Team Ninja has released a new update for Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty this Friday. This update comes with weapons adjustments and a ton of other bug fixes.

Team Ninja posted the official patch notes on the official website. Check out the full details down below.

Additional Features
  • Added a function allowing players to carry over their Battle Flag and Marking Flag progress when returning to a previously completed battlefield.
    • This option can be enabled or disabled via the Travel menu by choosing which battlefield to return to.
    • When enabled, some of the shortcuts such as doors and ladders will have been unlocked by default.
  • Added diagrams to the Learn Wizardry Spells screen, Set Wizardry Spells screen, and “Five Phases Affinities” under Tutorial allowing players to better understand the affinity between each of the Five Phases.
  • Added functions to the Online Lobby, Recruit, and Recruit Allies screens allowing players to part ways with companions.
  • Added Five Virtues to the Tutorial screen in the Documents menu.
  • Made upwards adjustments to the shrinking of the Spirit Gauge’s lower limits and downward adjustments to the Spirit damage dealt upon successfully performing deflect.
Weapon Categories
All Weapon CategoriesOptimized the timing at which players can activate deflect to cancel the recovery sequence after attacks.Increased the Spirit damage dealt with Spirit attacks.Decreased the boost in Spirit attack power when Spirit is high.
Straight SabreImproved the turnaround between normal dash attacks.
Curved SabreImproved the turnaround between normal dash attacks.
SwordImproved the turnaround between normal dash attacks.Shortened the startup sequence of normal attacks.
GlaiveShortened the startup sequence when activating a follow-up Spirit attack after a normal attack.
HalberdIncreased the movement distance of the first swing of normal attacks.Shortened the recovery sequences between normal attack combos.Increased the movement distance of the follow-up Spirit attack after a normal attack, and optimized the hitbox.
SpearIncreased the movement distance of the first swing of normal attacks.
Slashing SpearShortened the recovery sequences between normal attack combos.
StaffShortened the recovery sequence after normal dash attacks.
Martial Arts
All Martial Arts (except Thunderous Impact and Tigertail Lash)Increased Spirit damage dealt.
Lightspeed GustShortened the startup sequence.Increased the speed and range of the thrust.Reduced the openings in defense after attacks.
Meteoric StrikeImproved the turnaround between attacks.
Dawning SkyMade adjustments so it is possible to perform an Aerial Skill after jumping.
Starlight BladeShortened the time it takes to build up energy.Shortened the startup sequence.
Cosmic SyzygyShortened the startup sequence.Increased the speed of the thrust.Increased the speed of the backward leap upon successful hits.Added sound effects to signify the timing for additional input.Added a visual effect for successful attacks.Reduced the openings in defense after attacks.
Gouging StarAdjusted the hitbox.Adjusted hit stop.
Whirlwind AdvanceIncreased the movement distance of the first swing.
Violent SandstormShortened the startup sequence.Adjusted the speed of consecutive attacks.
Ill WindReduced the openings in defense after attacks.
Thunderous ImpactAdjusted hit stop.Decreased Spirit damage dealt.
Shimmering SunShortened the startup sequence.
Looming CloudIncreased movement distance during secondary action.Adjusted pushback.
Mongrel’s RampartAdded an active hitbox accompanying the thrust.Reduced the openings in defense after attacks.
Prancing DragonShortened the startup sequence.Adjusted the timing of the transition to the secondary action.Increased the swing speed of the weapon.Reduced the openings in defense after attacks.
Dragon FlashAdjusted hit stop.
Python TurnoverAdjusted pushback.Adjusted the hitbox.
Panther’s GritAdjusted pushback.
Emerging DragonShortened the startup sequence.Increased movement distance upon successful attack.Made changes so that the enemy is thrown down by a successful attack.Added a visual effect for successful attacks.
Tigertail LashShortened the startup sequence.Shortened the distance of the backstep at the beginning.Increased the distance of the subsequent forward movement.Decreased Spirit damage dealt.
Fanning PeacockAdjusted the hit intervals.
Falcon StrikeShortened the startup sequence.
Stag HunterAdded an active hitbox accompanying the swinging movement.Shortened the startup/recovery before swinging down.
Soaring PhoenixMade it possible to launch a secondary attack in midair after the first attack hits.
Feasting UrsineShortened the startup sequence.
Nightbird SpinAdjusted pushback.Adjusted the hitbox.Removed damaging capabilities upon retrieving the weapon.
Horn StrikeShortened the startup sequence.Made changes so that the enemy is thrown back when hit with the upward swing.Made adjustments so it is possible to perform an Aerial Skill after jumping.
Plummeting ApeReduced the openings in defense after attacks.
Serpent’s TormentShortened the startup sequence.Increased the movement distance at the beginning.Reduced the openings in defense after attacks.
Marching DragonShortened the startup sequence.Adjusted the speed of flurry attacks.Shortened the recovery sequence while transitioning to the finishing blow.
Parting GrassShortened the startup sequence.Reduced the openings in defense after attacks.
Heaven DivideMade changes so that players withstand enemy attacks (excluding Critical Blows) while their Qi veins are active.
Mountain StrikeReduced the openings in defense after attacks.
Rising TidesShortened the startup sequence.Increased the rotation speed.Adjusted the timing of the transition to the finishing blow.Made changes so that the enemy is thrown down in the final stage of the attack.
Mountain BusterShortened the startup sequence.Adjusted the speed of flurry attacks.Expanded the area of effect of the final shock wave.
Undercurrent SprintAdjusted pushback.Shortened the recovery sequence while transitioning to strike.Reduced the openings in defense after attacks.
Rock CrashAdjusted the hitbox while falling.
Boulder GlideChanged the shock waves into Stone damage.
Sea SplitShortened the time it takes to build up energy.Adjusted the intervals between stages of building up energy.Shortened the recovery sequence while transitioning to strike.
Heaven ReversalIncreased the movement distance of each sequence.
Skyward EvergreenIncreased the movement distance.Made adjustments so it is possible to perform an Aerial Skill after jumping.
Endless FloweringAdjusted the fastest possible timing for the transition to the final sequence.Increased the movement distance.
Sudden TornadoShortened the startup sequence.
Waving WillowShortened the startup sequence.
Thorn CleaveShortened the startup/recovery sequence.
Crescent GaleMade changes so that the player can move in any direction during activation.Reduced the openings in defense after attacks.Adjusted pushback.
Blossom StreamMade changes so that this Martial Art technique consumes Spirit in every frame, rather than only in certain frames during flurry attacks.Reduced Spirit consumption of flurry attacks.Made changes so that the barrage of hits ends when Spirit is depleted.
Falling LeafShortened the startup sequence.Increased the movement distance.
Falling LeavesShortened the startup/recovery sequence.
Scattered LeavesImproved visibility.
Wizardry Spells
Barbed ConductorReduced Spirit consumption.
Scorch SweepReduced Spirit consumption.
Scorch StreamReduced Spirit consumption.
Scorch SpinnerReduced Spirit consumption.
Frozen ArrowReduced Spirit consumption.
Force BlowReduced Spirit consumption.Increased attack speed.Increased Stone accumulation when landing hits.
Bursting FireballMade changes so that the spell effect does not manifest if the projectile is successfully deflected.
Venomous DischargeMade changes so that the spell effect does not manifest if the projectile is successfully deflected.
Venom SnareMade changes so that the spell effect does not manifest if the projectile is successfully deflected.Increased Toxin accumulation when landing hits.Extended intervals between the moments when damage is received over time.Reduced Toxin damage.
Zhang RangMade adjustments to the AI.Made changes to his actions at the start of the battle.Added more attack combo patterns.Changes specific to re-summoning of clones:Made adjustments so that the re-summoning would take place even if there are some clones remaining.Zhang Rang no longer re-summons his clones more than once per battle.Reduced damage dealt by lightning attacks to a wide area of effect.Adjusted how far the player is pushed back when hit by the tornado attack.Extended the amount of time between the indicative effect before the strike and the actual strike during consecutive lightning attacks.Shortened the duration of the ball of lightning. Fine-tuned his behavior accordingly.Changes specific to the real Zhang Rang:Increased Spirit damage dealt.Increased Spirit recovery speed to make it equivalent to that of other characters.Extended the time before his Spirit starts recovering.Slightly reduced the maximum amount by which his Spirit Gauge’s lower limit can be reduced.Changes specific to clones:Slightly increased HP damage received.Reduced HP damage dealt.Reduced Spirit damage received.Slightly increased Spirit recovery speed.Reduced the maximum amount by which their Spirit Gauges’ lower limits can be reduced.Adjusted the lock-on camera.Made other minor adjustments.
TaotieMade adjustments to the AI.Reduced Spirit consumption of Critical Blows.Made adjustments to the durability of hardened parts to make it easier for part destruction to occur.Extended the time before its Spirit starts recovering.Increased Spirit recovery speed.Reduced HP damage received.Reduced Spirit damage received.Increased the amount of Spirit recovered when Taotie lands attacks.Changes specific to the first phase of the battle:Added one additional fireball attack and expanded the area of effect.Fixed a bug that prevented some hits from landing.Changed targetable parts to torso, right hoof, and left hoof.Added a sequence in the second phase of the battle that involves its parts recovering from damage.Improved the efficiency of Critical Blows in the second phase of the battle.Adjusted the lock-on camera.Made other minor adjustments.
Demonized Xiahou DunMade adjustments to the AI.Adjusted the lock-on camera.Made other minor adjustments.
Demonized Lu BuMade adjustments to the AI.Slightly increased Spirit recovery speed.Extended the time before his Spirit starts recovering.Adjusted the timing before the transition to the latter phase of the battle.Made other minor adjustments.
Yan Liang & Wen ChouIncreased Morale Rank.In Path of the Crouching Dragon: 12In Path of the Rising Dragon: 14Increased the amount of Morale Points earned by attacking Yan Liang and Wen Chou using actions that consume Spirit.Reduced the amount of Morale Points earned by attacking minor enemies using actions that consume Spirit prior to the battle against Yan Liang and Wen Chou.Slightly increased Spirit recovery speed.Extended the time it takes for Spirit recovery.Increased Spirit damage received.
Demonized Yuan ShaoMade adjustments to the AI.Added more attack combo patterns.Reduced HP damage received.Reduced Spirit damage received.Added ice projectiles to the step action sequence.Adjusted the impact position of ice projectile attacks..Adjusted attributes of two types of actions that involve generating icy pillars.Reduced damage received when elemental attacks hit the shield.Made other minor adjustments.
Yu JiMade adjustments to the AI.Reduced HP damage received.Slightly increased Spirit recovery speed.Extended the time before his Spirit starts recovering.Reduced the amount of Morale Points obtained in battle.
Embodiment of Demonic QiMade adjustments to the AI.Added more attack combo patterns.Made overall adjustments to defense, Spirit, and attack power.Made it easier for part destruction to occur.Adjusted the lock-on camera.Changed targetable parts to head and torso.Reduced Spirit consumption of Critical Blows.Made adjustments to smooth out the movements when downed or during recovery.Slightly reduced the speed of lightning pillar attacks.Added a tracking ability to one of the fireballs in the fireball attack.Changes specific to poison bog attacks:Decreased the number of bogs generated.Adjusted the timing between the warning before the strike and the actual strike during bog attacks.Shortened the attack activation duration.Changed the reaction when attacks hit.Slightly reduced the height at which pillars are generated and adjusted the fall speeds for icy pillar attacks.Shrank the hitbox for Critical Blows using balls of Demonic Qi.Made other minor adjustments.
  • Revised the conditions for online matching and improved certain conditions that made it difficult to match.
  • Improved action synchronization in environments with significant online delays.
Major Bug Fixes
  • Fixed crash-prone situations that occurred in certain environments.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to go outside the bounds of the current stage from certain locations in some stages.
  • Fixed a bug allowing enemies to be hit with attacks through certain walls in some stages.
  • Fixed a bug that would increase the amount of Spirit that could be obtained while in High Spirit.
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause Fatal Strikes against Zhupolong to fail if performed from certain directions.
  • Fixed a bug in which players granted the positive effect Lion’s Roar from the Wizardry Spell Lion’s Roar were rendered impervious to damage from Fatal Strikes.
  • Fixed a bug causing the duration of positive and negative effects to decrease while the game was loading, including the period prior to boss fights.
  • Fixed a bug in which the BGM for the second phase of the fight against the demonized Sun Jian would not play correctly.
  • Fixed a bug in which some of the Shuigui would not respawn when restarting in the main battlefield “Darkness over the Hanshui River.”
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Morale Ranks of minor enemies to be elevated to the equivalent of bosses in the sub battlefield “Massacre of Meiwu Fort” in “Path of the Rising Dragon.”
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to show an interface notifying that the player acquired arrows/projectiles when the special effect Ammo Replenish upon Fatal Strike was activated, even if they possessed the maximum number of projectiles.
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause Baishe’s movements to cease during multiplayer sessions.
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the information above guest players’ heads to disappear from the host player’s screen during Recruit sessions.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Titles Obtained rate in Battle Summary to be stuck at 99%, even though all Titles had been acquired.
  • Fixed a bug in which damage values for ballista attacks were reflected in the damage values recorded in Battle Summary.
    • After applying the update, the value for Highest Damage Dealt in Single Attack will be reset.
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the copyright to appear twice when taking pictures in Photograph mode.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented equipment weight from being taken into account for jumping and landing action sounds.
  • Fixed other minor bugs.

Steam®/Microsoft Store Versions

Major Bug Fixes
  • Reduced the processing load in environments using CPUs with a large number of cores.
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the mouse cursor to appear while using the pad to perform UI operations, even though the mouse was not being moved.
Mark Fajardo

Videogame journalist for over a decade. I am a Registered Nurse as well. Love JRPGs but pretty much open to all genres.

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