To survive everything Rainbow Six Extraction you’re going to need all 18 operators. Each fulfills a different role, though many overlap with one another, making them extremely useful for both low and high-level play. Thankfully, unlocking them isn’t particularly hard, though they will take some time.
At the start of Rainbow Six Extraction, you’ll have access to Doc, ELA, Pulse, Alibi, Finka, Hibana, Lion, Sledge, and Vigil. These characters are more general use or have some quirks that make it easier to survive higher-level play.
At level five you’ll unlock the first batch of characters, referred to as The Backbone. These include IQ, Jager, and Rook. These characters are designed with a strong foundation and good neutral game.
Level 10 unlocks The Strong Arm group, which consists of Fuze, Smoke, and Tachanka. Unlike The Backbone, these characters are offensive, a must for waves or powerful foes.
The last group unlocks at level 17 and is The Architects. Capitao, Gridlock, and Nomad are designed with heroes in mind. If you want to be the player that saves the mission, overcome threats through smart plays or just unlock new options, you’ll want to consider one of these characters.
Getting the first two sets of characters isn’t too bad. Just casual playing and mission completion should do it before you even notice. However, getting to level 17 is a lot bigger of an investment.
After doing a fair number of games, there are two ways to quickly do it. Focus on easy missions and studies or complete missions on Cautious, Severe, or ideally Critical.
Easy missions are pretty straightforward. You basically want to play on the lowest difficulty, Moderate, and generally avoid anything that isn’t some kind of elite mission. Kill and samples are both extremely easy and can often be completed with a single smoke bomb. Just find the elite, toss the bomb and then perform a takedown. This will always complete either objective and kill the elite on Moderate, though might not work on higher difficulties. Capturing an enemy is also pretty easy and often requires some light shooting as you run back to the capture spot. As for Studies, we have a guide for them here, but a lot of them come down to knowing what needs to be done. Sometimes they’re fairly involved, though many can easily be completed with the right operator, a slight gun change, or a different tactic.
While Critical and lower missions offer the best reward, they should only be attempted by those who have a team and/or can handle them. Once you get a handle on things, Cautious isn’t too bad solo or with randoms, it’s everything beyond that which might pose a problem. Remember, finishing all the missions in a couple of minutes on moderate will go faster than finishing on mission on Critical before things go south.
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