
Rainbow Six Extraction – All REACT Tech Detailed

Rainbow Six Extraction has brought the Archaean threat to the Siege operators, who have joined up with the REACT organization in their effort to wipe the parasite from the world. As veteran Siege players know, the choice of operator and their tied gadget is incredibly important as it relates to team synergy. But there’s more to it than that in Extraction.

REACT Tech is a critical part of operator loadouts, allowing for different approaches depending on which of the mission objectives and mutations end up being present. There are 21 unlockable and equippable pieces of REACT Tech for players to experiment with in pursuit of the most efficient loadout. To best prepare you for the relentless Archaeans, we have detailed all available REACT Tech in Rainbow Six Extraction so that you can start mapping out your ideal gear.

All REACT Tech in Rainbow Six Extraction

Smoke GrenadeSmoke out Archaeans and cover an area with smoke for 15 seconds. Throwable grenade, detonating 2.5-seconds after impact. Carry 3 Smoke Grenades.
Recon DroneRemotely gather intelligence by manually scanning Objectives, Archaeans and Supply Cases in camera view. Drone recharges every 30 seconds when disabled or can be resupplied at a REACT Tech Supply Case.
Impact GrenadeDetonate an intense shockwave that knocks back Archaeans. Throwable grenade, detonates on impact in a 7-meter area. Carry 4 Impact Grenades.
Body ArmorAlways fall to DBNO while wearing Body Armor. Reduces incoming damage by 20%. Lose Body Armor when Downed. REACT Tech Supply Case replenishes and reapplies Body Armor.
Scan MineScan Archaeans in a short range. Deploy mine to cover a 6-meter area. Can scan cloaked Archaeans. Carry 3 Scan Mines.
Revive KitWhen you get knocked down to DBNO you can revive yourself 1 time. Always fall to DBNO while Revive Kit is equipped. Each time you get knocked down to DBNO you will reach KO faster. REACT Tech Supply Case can resupply.
ClaymoreCover any strategic position with an explosive mine. Deploy a mine that detonates a forward explosive blast when triggered by Archaeans. Carry 3 Claymore mines.
Ammo SatchelDeploy with 50% more ammunition. Applies to Primary and Secondary weapons only.
Stun GrenadesStun Archaeans within an area. Throwable grenade, detonating 2.5-seconds after impact. Carry 3 Stun Grenades.
Glue GrenadeSlow down affected Archaeans within an area. Throwable grenade detonating a status compound slowing affected Archaeans in the blast area of 10 meters. Carry 3 Glue Grenades.
Fragmentation GrenadePrime to detonate with precision an explosive blast when the fuse timer expires. Throwable grenade on a 4-second fuse time, damaging a 6-meter area. Carry 3 Frag Grenades.
Explosive HarnessIncrease your explosive carrying capacity. Deploy with 3 additional REACT Explosives.
Field WallBlock all incoming Archaean projectiles in an area. Deploys a 6-meter wide field wall on landing, blocking all projectiles. Does not block friendly bullets. Carry 3 Field Walls.
XR Recon DroneAutomatically scan Archaeans, Objectives and Supply Cases through surfaces within an 8-meter radius. Drone recharges every 30 seconds when disabled or can be resupplied at a REACT Tech Supply Case.
Scan GrenadeInstantly Scan a sizeable area on impact. Throwable grenade that instantly scans Archaeans, cloaked Archaeans and Objectives in a 12-meter area for 30 seconds. Carry 4 Scan Grenades.
Nitro CellPlant or throw this large area explosive device that is remotely detonated. Carry 2 Nitro Cells.
Anabolic AccelerantBoost your health slowly up to a maximum of 50.
Paralysis GrenadeParalyze Archaeans temporarily. Throwable grenade that detonates on impact, stopping Archaeans for 5 seconds within a small area. Carry 3 Paralysis Grenades.
Arc MinePlace forward-blasting mine, chaining attacks between targets within 7 meters of each other. Carry 2 Arc Mines.
Recon Vapor DeviceScan in a large area for 45 seconds. Throwable grenade on a 2.5-second fuse after impact, scanning all Archaeans within the vapor. Can scan cloaked Archaeans. Carry 3 Recon Vapor Devices.
REACT LasterDissolves the Sprawl present in the environment when aiming at it. This upgrade is automatically equipped on all Operator weapons. During incursions, toggle between the REACT Laser and the regular REACT UV Light (senses Archaeans through destructible surfaces and highlights their Weak Points.

Rainbow Six Extraction is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

Joshua Garibay

Joshua has been embedded in the gaming industry since 2009, and gaming since the days of the Sega Genesis. His occupational focus in environmental health and safety may not cross over much with his beloved hobby, but he has always found time to play the latest releases, AAA and indie alike, as well as continue writing about the industry that has brought him countless years of joy.

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