
Psychonauts 2 Achievement/Trophy Guide

Psychonauts 2 is a rather big game that takes players at least fifteen hours to complete and those who want to get everything, especially all trophies/achievements, must dedicate more time playing it.

If you’re one of those people that always aim for the Platinum Trophy or 1000/1000 Achievement Points, prepare to spend at least 25 hours or more as there are about over fifty trophies that you can unlock where some are easy and some are simply just hard and requires an effort.

Please note that there are spoilers on the list. You’ve been warned…

Without further ado, here’s our Psychonauts 2 Achievements Guide:

Objective-type trophies/achievements:

Trophy/Achievement NameHow to Unlock:
Home RunFind the Family Camp
Family is in TentsHelp Dion Setup Aquatodome
Dance, Baby, DanceComplete Queepie Quest
Good Vibes OnlyComplete Gisu’s Psychoseismometer Quest
A Fungus Among UsComplete Lili’s Request
Associate InternAchieve Rank 2
Junior InternAchieve Rank 10
Senior InternAchieve Rank 50
Principal InternAchieve Rank 100
Extra CreditUpgrade your first Badge
Power PlayFully upgrade a Badge
Unlimited Power!Acquire all Upgrades
SafecrackerCrack all Vaults
FigheadedFind all Figments
You’re it!Tag all Emotional Baggage
Pin DropEquip your first Pin
PinheadEquip 3 Pins at once
KingpinPurchase all Pins
Hiccup in the GiddyupRecover your mental energy with a Dream Fluff
PSI RollerUpgrade to the Astral Wallet
Fluff NutterMax out your Dream Fluff capacity
King of PopMax out your PSI Pop capacity
You Otto be in PicturesPurchase all Otto Shot Filters
ShutterbugTake a photo with the Otto Shot
Fine TuningTune in to a Stray Thought
Nest EggCompletely fill your Astral Wallet
Take a Lickin’Consume a PSI Pop to restore some mental energy
Core StrengthCombine PSI Cards with a PSI Core at the Otto-Matic
Objection!Throw a Judge’s gavel back at him
TK-OTK throw an object to stun an enemy
Duck, Duck, GooseFind the real Panic Attack during his Phantom attack
Shared RegretThrow a Regret’s anvil at another enemy
PyromaniaPyro 3 enemies at once
I’m always here for you, darling!Talk to Milla in her Office
Forgot My KeysRevisit a brain through the Collective Unconscious
Make It Stop!Break all 3 Gramophones in Fatherland Follies
Making PeaceReturn to where it all started

Story-related achievements/trophies

Trophy/Achievement NameHow to Unlock:
Employee of the Year!Navigate Loboto’s Labyrinth
Mentee FreshReceive your first assignment
EVERYBODY Hates Socks with SandalsMake a connection in Hollis’ Classroom
Know When to Fold’emShut Down the Luctopus
High Roller Revelations Cool Hollis’ Hot Streak
Jung at HeartVisit the Collective Unconscious
Sane in the MembraneRepair Ford Fractured
Ram It DownPlate Compton’s Cookoff
Feast of the SensesComplete PSI King’s Sensorium
A Little Off the TopTreat Ford’s Follicles
Perfect GameBowl Strike City
To the LetterDeliver Cruller’s Correspondence
Buried MemoriesRaid the Tomb of the Sharkophagus
The Relic RoomDiscover the Astralathe
Archetypal VictoryPeruse Cassie’s Collection
Bob’s Your UncleEmpty Bob’s Bottles
Tattered FamilySoothe Lucrecia’s Lament
Deluginist DarknessFrequent Fatherland Follies
Finish What Was StartedDissolve the Deluge of Grulovia
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