Ghost of Tshushima, the acclaimed 2020 action adventure game developed by Sucker Punch Productions and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, is officially getting an Anime adaptation currently scheduled to premiere in 2027. During this year’s Consumer Electronics Show, Asad Qizilbash, head of PlayStation Productions announced the upcoming anime show titled Ghost of Tsushima: Legends which is currently in production and is set to exclusively launch on the Sony-owned platform Crunchyroll sometimes in 2027.
However, the story of the Ghost of Tsushima anime will not be based on the single player campaign of the game but will take inspiration from the Legends multiplayer cooperative platform that’s also part the game. Apart from that, no further information has been revealed about the storyline yet.
Also, the Ghost of Tshushima: Legends anime will be the first ever anime adaptation of a PlayStation Studios game and the series will be written by Gen Urobuchi, directed by Takanobu Mizuno (from Star Wars: Visions “The Duel”), animated by Kamikaze Douga, and co-produced with Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba’s Aniplex. The anime will also have Sony Music as both Music and Soundtrack Partner, with no additional cast and staff announced as of yet.
The anime series is aiming to “offer fans an exciting new way to experience the game” along with “bold and groundbreaking animation.” So if you loved playing Ghost of Tshushima, it’s safe to say that you’ll love the upcoming anime series.
Ghost of Tshushima first came out on the Playstation 4 back on July 2020, with a subsequent PS5 version launching in 2021 and the PC version titled Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut, was released in 2024. The game was largely praised for it’s engaging melee combat, the historically inspired story, memorable characters and soundtrack, though it received criticism for it’s implementation of Stealth elements and the Open World level designs.
By September 2024, the game reportedly sold over 13 million copies while also getting nominated for several year-end awards including Game of the Year. It’s sequel titled Ghost of Yotei, was first announced in September 2024 for the Playstation 5 with a scheduled release of 2025.
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