
Freedom Wars HD Remaster Releases January 2025

Sony surprised players by announcing Freedom Wars HD Remaster for PlayStation 4/5, Nintendo Switch, and PC. It will release on Jan. 10, 2025.

Following the announcement a trailer was released, along with an expansive PlayStation Blog post. Unfortunately, at the time of posting only a Japanese version exists. According to said post, along with improving graphics (4K 60FPS on PlayStation 5), and adapting controls to the DualShock/DualSense, it will be rebalanced to improve the original experience.

An AI translated version of the Blog Post can be found below. Said post expands on what changes were made, along with giving an expansive overview for those who didn’t play the Vita version. It also includes an interview adding more insight into how this unexpected remaster returned.

The software “FREEDOM WARS Remastered” for PlayStation®5/PlayStation®4, which will be released on Thursday, January 10, 2025, will be released on PlayStation®Vita in 2014. A remastered work of “FREEDOM WARS” that was sold. The “Recapture” multiplayer action, in which the culprit (Togabito), who was sentenced to a million years in prison, regains his freedom, becomes beautiful and easy to play.

The trial play of this work was held for the media, and we were able to experience part of the gameplay, so let’s introduce it together with an interview with the development staff.

A remastered version with balance adjustment and system changes in addition to high resolution

First of all, Hayatoya Hashino, the producer of this game, explained the overview of the game and the features of the remastered version.

The original version released in 2014 is a multiplayer hunting action characterized by the worldview setting of “1 million years in prison at the moment of birth” and “high-speed three-dimensional combat using thorns”. The stage is the distant future when resources are exhausted and devastated. In this world, living is a sin, and criminals who have been sentenced to 1 million years in prison from the moment they are born participate in dangerous combat activities called “volunteers” to reduce imprisonment and live their days.

There are three main purposes for players. Volunteering to reduce imprisonment, using the materials obtained to strengthen weapons and abilities, and freeing various rights with “pardon points” to gain freedom. In this way, the cycle of the game is to advance the story while playing volunteer (mission), strengthen and release rights.

Features of the game 1 Three-dimensional combat using thorns

One of the features of the gameplay is the three-dimensional battle using thorns. The guilty people shoot the thorns in their left hands and engage in a high-speed three-dimensional battle like wire action. In addition to combat assists such as setting up, recovering, and defending traps using the ability of thorns, melting actions that dismember the limbs and armaments of large enemies attached to thorns are also possible.

Feature of the game 2 Recapture action

In this world, human resources such as engineers are also valuable resources. Such citizens (civilians) are fought against hostile forces, and missions to recapture and rescue citizens who are about to be kidnapped occur. The recapture action that rescues his friends and leads them to the escape point is an element unique to “FREEDOM WARS” that was not available in conventional hunting actions.

Game Features 3 Buddy experience with the guard Android

A guard android called “accessory” is always accompanies the sinner. However, the accessories are not just guards, but also explore the city together, and they assist in the battle while volunteering, so you can enjoy a buddy experience that you will become attached to as the story progresses. In addition, you can use the synthetic voice engine to make accessories speak your favorite lines, and you can also customize your costumes and appearance.

Changes from the original version 1 Easy to play with specifications tailored to the current machine

With the increase in hardware specifications from PS Vita, the graphics are being improved in terms of textures and movies. The PS5 version supports 4K, and the frame rate supports 60fps for both the PS5 and PS4 versions. In addition, the UI/UX is also brushed up to match the current device. The operation method is optimized in a modern style, and the behavior during the game is also adjusted.

Changes from the original version 2 Balance adjustment, system renovation make it more comfortable to play

The difficulty of the game, the behavior of friends and enemy AIs is reviewed, and the game balance is adjusted. In addition, the production function was completely improved, and the system that mainly produces and strengthens weapons has been overhauled. These make the gameplay more comfortable.

[Trial review] The renewed operation method makes it easier to play and you can enjoy the battle to win freedom even more.

In the trial game, I was able to use the PS5 version and play part of the beginning of the main story. I was able to challenge volunteering a little advanced from the start of the game, but first I played the tutorial. Because I wanted to know how the operation method changed in the original version and the remastered version.

In the original version, the button arrangement varies depending on the operation type, such as the thorn type, the shooter type, and the hunter type, and the player chose the type that was easy to use. This is probably due to the fact that the PS Vita only has one LR button each, but the PS5/PS4 has a button that only works for general action games and shooter games, and The operation method was also adopted in this work.

The allocation of L1/L2 and R1/R2 has become int that it is easy to use. By default in the PS5 version, the L1 button is used to shoot thorns. When attacking from a long distance, use the L2 button to enter the aim and shoot with the R2 button. When it comes to a melee attack, it is locked on with the L2 button, and the R1 button is used to attack weakly, and the R2 button is used to become a strong attack. There was no attack action on the △○×□ button in both long-range and close-range states, and I was able to play with a modern-style easy-to-get-use button operation.

By the way, on the custom screen, you can freely change the assignment of buttons, and it seems that you can also reproduce various operation types in the original version. The culprits who made the original version may become familiar with the operation method at that time.

Jing action that allows you to enjoy the exhilaration and strategy

When it comes to the battle of “FREEDOM WARS”, the action using thorns is the best part. Thorns can be used like the so-called wire action, and by shooting into the terrain and enemies, you can instantly approach and rise to high places. If it is a low terrain, you can overcome it while dashing, but if you want to jump to a high place, you will use thorns, stick to the wall with thorns, then jump, and then move to the next target with thorns. It is quite possible to fly around the air with continuous use. It feels good.

If you shoot a thorn at a large enemy, you can choose to dive, dive attack, or drag down. The dive can stick to the enemy’s body and move to a melee attack, and you will be able to damage parts that cannot be reached by melee attacks from the ground, such as the head. Dive attack is a one-hit type. He jumps in with thorns, attacks each other, and flies away with the momentum as it is.

And the drag-down continues to pull the thorns that have been shot in and knocks down the enemy. If you knock it down, it will be a chance to be attacked unilaterally, but if it takes time to fall it, the thorn gauge may run out, and we will be attacked again in a defenseless state. If you drag down with your friends, it will be easier to make them fall, so it is important to cooperate while checking your friends’ actions.

In any case, mastering the thorn action well is the key to advancing the battle efficiently. Not only to increase the movement speed, but also to stick to large enemies or pull them down. If you are addicted to the strategic use of thorns, the battle becomes even more interesting.

Various missions with different objectives

In addition to “target defeat” that defeats designated large enemies, there are various types of missions with different clearing purposes.

“Citizen Recapture” is a type of mission that rescues citizens captured by hostile forces within a time limit. Several citizens are captured in the operation area, protecting the citizens while eliminating the enemy, and taking them to the convoy. It is frustrating that when you are holding a citizen, you cannot take combat action, and it is difficult to change direction unlike normal. Citizens are captured inside a large enemy, and in this case, it is necessary to destroy the cage part before rescuing the citizens. It is a mission that requires you to quickly retake all citizens, not simply defeating the enemy.

The purpose of “control control” is to control multiple control systems in the operation area. The control system advances the control gauge as the friendly army approaches, and when the gauge is full, it is occupied. Naturally, the enemy forces are also aiming to occupy the control system in the same way, and the side that occupies the control system with the largest number of people at the end of the time limit wins. It is a so-called flag battle type mission. In the mission I played this time, there were many scenes where enemy soldiers appeared from here and there on a maze-like map and were busy taking back the occupied control system. I was impatient because I was about to be reversed near the end of the time limit, but it might have been easier to win if I focused on defense near the control system without running around too much. This must be more fun if you play in online multiplayer.

The daily life of a guilty person who is restricted from all actions

The criminal is sentenced to 1 million years in prison, and participating in volunteering will reduce the number of years in prison. In addition, even the trivial things in daily life are prohibited, and even running for more than 5 seconds while exploring the city or talking to citizens is punished as a prohibited act, and years of imprisonment are added.

To remove these restrictions, apply for the release of rights using the “amnesty points” earned through volunteering. You will be able to run up to 10 seconds where you could only run 5 seconds, and you will be able to approach the opposite sex within 2 meters, and gradually win freedom from your daily life full of restrictions. In terms of game systems, it is increasing what can be done, but each of them is so detailed that it makes you realize how unreasonable the treatment of the culprit in this world is.

The release of rights is also related to enhancement systems such as weapon development, and if you don’t release this, you won’t be able to strengthen your character. In this trial game, the initial level enhancement system has already been released, but when you play from the beginning, you will be concerned about how to use the limited amnesty points, whether to prioritize the release of the enhancement system or remove the small inconveniences in daily life. It’s going to be.

While there are strong fans of the original version, there will be many people who have never touched this game, which has a unique charm in both action and worldview. In the remastered version that is easy to play in a modern style, I would like you to experience the sharp worldview and the fun of fighting multiplayer.

[Interview] The restart that the developers also wanted. The dystopian worldview should be more stung in the hearts of players in the modern surveillance society.

After finishing the trial tour, I was able to talk to Takashi Tsukamoto, a development producer, and Tetsunosuke Seki, the director. Mr. Tsukamoto also served as the general director of the original version, and it is said that he had strong feelings for this remastered version.

Takashi Tsukamoto (Takashi Tsukamoto)
Dimps Corporation
“FREEDOM WARS” Original Edition General Director / “FREEDOM WARS Remastered” Development Producer
※Photo left

Tetsunosuke Seki (Tetsunosuke Seki)
Dimps Corporation
Director of “FREEDOM WARS Remastered”
※Photo right

──Please tell me why “FREEDOM WARS” was revived for the first time in 10 years.

Tsukamoto: I wanted to make a sequel after it was released 10 years ago, but I didn’t have the opportunity. I was blessed with that opportunity this time, and we were able to develop and produce by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment, and it was also a milestone of 10 years, so I will do it at this time. I did.

──The original version was released by Sony Computer Entertainment (currently Sony Interactive Entertainment/SIE), but this time it will be released by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment. What happened?

Tsukamoto: After receiving a license from SIE, we were trying to make a remastered version, and when I was looking for a publisher, BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment raised my hand.

──What would it be like to list the appeal points of the remastered version to those who played the original version 10 years ago?

Seki: I think the dissatisfaction of those who played 10 years ago was the part where the luck element of weapon strengthening was strong. When it comes out in this era of Reiwa, it is really difficult to make the gacha do, so when I received this story, I told them, “Let’s definitely change that.” I think the production of weapons and the growth of characters are easier to enjoy as an action RPG.

──The original version was a portable PS Vita, but this time it will be a stationary PS5/PS4. Have you ever had a hard time remastering?

Seki: The original version was released 10 years ago, but if you include the development period, it will be earlier data. First of all, I opened the lid of the data and tried to unravel what was going on one by one. I think it was a hard time like a remaster.

──How did you build a new operating system by changing the hardware?

Seki: In terms of genre, it became TPS, and since there were not enough buttons in the PS Vita, various operation types were prepared and covered. This time, there are more buttons, so I thought it would be easier to play with the general TPS control system, so I reconfigured a new control system based on the operation that aims at L2 and shoots with R2.

──Can the remastered version be operated like the original version?

Seki: There are no such clear operation options, but you can freely customize the operation, so if you prefer classic operation, I would like you to change the button arrangement.

──Is it possible to cross-play with the PC version and other models?

Tsukamoto: Cross play is not implemented. You can play multiplayer online on each platform.

Seki: PS5 and PS4 can play multiplayer online, matching and rankings are shared.

Added English voice and past DLC

──Is there a part that what could not be done in the original version was realized in the remastered version?

Tsukamoto: This time, I have a strong desire to spread it to overseas users, so I have recorded a new English voice, and the voice of the accessory is also supported in English. One of the points of the remastered version is that it can be played in languages other than Japanese. It’s a title that I’ve always wanted to continue, so I think that if you pick up this remastered version, the possibility of the next one may be created.

──I think the voice of the accessory could have been recorded using a voice actor, but please tell me why you dared to use synthetic audio.

Tsukamoto: I hear it in various places now, but 10 years ago, using synthetic audio was quite a challenge. Even so, I used it to make me speak what I like. The accessory is an android on the side of monitoring and management, but as you recover your rights, you will be able to change the android’s lines such as “I will rescue you” or “Please fight” to your liking. Then I felt attached, and I wanted it to feel strange that I was attached to it even though I was being watched. In the end, when you can say “my wife”, I think a new game feel will be born with something immoral. Including the sense of immersion, I feel that I was able to produce the results of using synthetic audio on Android.

──Isn’t there a new ending that was not in the original version?

Tsukamoto: It was one of the things I really wanted to do, but this time I tried not to mess with the original work as much as possible. In a spice of the story. If we make a sequel, I think some people are looking forward to that part, so I decided to take the new story a chance when making a sequel.

──Will weapons and enemies remain in the original version?

Seki: There are no newly added weapons or enemies, but you can enjoy the DLC that was deployed in the original version together. I think there are few people who have all the DLCs in the original version, so I’m trying to play from the beginning. After that, the number of songs is increasing. 10 years ago, there was a promotion called “Propaganda Idol”, and this is like what we call VTuber today. The remastered version adds the song so that you can enjoy it in the game. Also, the voice of the accessory was one by default in the original version, but this time there are 4 patterns for each gender from the beginning, a total of 8 patterns.

──Please tell me in detail about the behavior adjustment of AI included in the game balance adjustment.

Seki: In the original version, the human enemy character is very strong, and it is a part that has received opinions from users. When I checked the behavior again this time, it aimed at the player with 100% aim while moving, and I thought it was a pretty advanced movement for normal enemies to do (laughs). Normally, one of the roles of enemies is to be defeated, so I have readjusted them so that I can defeat them more comfortably. In terms of new elements usually related to enemies, recovery items and combat items are now dropped. It is common in other games, but since it is an element that was not in the original version, the fun of defeating the enemy was incorporated into the game design.

──In the original version, there was a city-state match in the area to which you belong, but what will the stage be like this time?

Tsukamoto: This time, I’m going to use Japan as a theme, and I’ll play with the map of Japan worldwide. The original version was done on a world map, but it was changed to a Japanese map. I would like overseas players to belong to Japanese prefectures such as Tokyo and Okinawa and play regional competitions.

If you play this game now, you may feel like a new game, “Was there a game like this?”

──I think the world of “FREEDOM WARS” is a pretty extreme dystopia, such as 1 million years in prison and even running is a violation. How did this worldview setting come about?

Tsukamoto: The beginning of what I was thinking at the time is that everyone is monitored and managed somewhere. In order to make it easier to understand the crampedness of being managed, I thought that I should be able to gain freedom little by little if I do good things, just like accumulating miles points. . From there, in the cycle of play that gradually returns a huge number of years of imprisonment, the factors that increase imprisonment are int to the extreme… Like imprisonment even if you walk, imprisonment even if you sleep, imprisonment even if you talk to the opposite sex (laughs). By doing so, the sense of dystopia increases, and the mechanism of this work was invented, thinking that winning so little freedom would lead to pleasure.

──In releasing “FREEDOM WARS” in this era, do you feel the chance of winning, the worldview or the game system?

Tsukamoto: I feel a chance of winning both. There are many games with a dystopian atmosphere, but 10 years ago, Japan and Asia were the main markets, and they didn’t sell well in other regions, so when overseas people play this game now, “Was there a game like this?” And you may feel like a new work. In part, I hope that you will be able to grasp a new sense of the worldview, such as a million years in prison, a volunteer to retake, and the existence of accessories that are Androids. In addition, I thought that the system of completing a mission called volunteering and returning imprisonment would also be stuck, so this is one of the points I wanted to challenge.

──In this era, I feel that the feeling of being monitored and blocked is stronger than 10 years ago.

Tsukamoto: I think that due to the spread of SNS and the existence of surveillance cameras, I feel that the present is more monitored than in the past. ” Are you being seen right now? Or “Isn’t the smartphone listening to what you’re saying all the time?” I think you have a feeling like that, but that’s the existence of the accessory, and he’s a monitor who can follow me all the time and communicate with me if I say something. I think this feeling will strongly sting in modern people who have passed 10 years.

Grant Gaines

Hey, my name is Grant and I'm the Managing Editor, main reviewer and cover technology for Infinite Start. I've learned a lot over the years working for a variety of websites and reviewing literally hundreds of titles. I also have a background selling televisions, sound systems and more from my period at Best Buy, to the point where I was in the top 1 percent for sales and became Magnolia certified. I always look forward to sharing new and different information with our readers and hope they do as well. If you would like to contact me, my email is grant period gaines at Infinite Start.

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