
EPOS Discounts Their H3 Hybrid Headset for Back-to-School

EPOS announced a special back-to-school sale on their popular H3 Hybrid gaming headset. From now until Aug. 31, players can purchase the Onyx Black or Ghost White versions of H3 Hybrid for $129, which is a savings of $50. This deal also extends to other retailers, like Best Buy or GameStop.

For more information about EPOS’ H3 Hybrid, you can check out our review and find the official overview below:

The EPOS H3 Hybrid gaming headset provides wired connectivity with USB/console cables and a simultaneous Bluetooth connection for the gamer seeking multiple connectivity options in a high-quality headset. Designed for lightweight comfort, a slider with length indicators is built into the headband for easy adjustment of the headset. Hinged ear cups with ergonomically shaped ear pads angle to fit any face shape. The main microphone in the detachable boom arm delivers crisp intelligible game chat while a secondary in the ear cup allows calls while the boom arm is removed. Download the EPOS Gaming Suite and play with 7.1 surround sound on the PC. When paired with a smart phone, simultaneous Bluetooth connectivity lets you chat with your friends while waiting for a match without losing game audio.


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